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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Ramification will increase in ASEAN when an anti-China outsider is involved.

Too many cooks spoil the broth!  How true it is!

ASEAN shouldn't allow any outsider to organize ASEAN-(Australia) Special Summit in Australia and put other issues in the ASEAN Summit.

Singapore, as ASEAN chairman in 2018, should know that Australia is anti-China and will create troubles for other ASEAN members who are pro-China.  SG has the power to warn Australia not to antagonize another ASEAN member but SG won't do it.  SG has to remember that Australia is not part of ASEAN.

Even if SG doesn't like the Philippines for taking over SG's role as ASEAN facilitator, SG cannot embarrass or make the Philippines looks bad internationally.  Nevertheless, SG was the one who gave the opportunity to the Philippines to be the ASEAN facilitator.

Duterte will definitely remember this "gift" from SG and it will be difficult to maintain a friendly relationship between SG and Philippines in ASEAN.

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