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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Is a HDB really the same as a leasehold private property?


"HDB lessees have all the rights over their flats that owners of such leasehold private properties have. You can live in it, you can transact it, you can bequeath it to your children - it is yours," said Mr Lee, at a book launch held at the National University of Singapore.

End Quote.

If a HDB has the same property right as a leasehold private property, why does the HDB address a HDB owner as lessee instead of property owner whilst the URA addresses the leasehold private property owner as owner?

This shows that the HDB doesn't recognise the HDB as the true owner of the flat but just a lessee whilst URA recognises the leasehold property owner as the true owner.


Eric Ho said...

Another big difference between a HDB and a leasehold private property is we cannot mortgage a HDB but we can mortgage a leasehold private property because we are not the true owner of the HDB.

Eric Ho said...

Yes, HDB has no strata title, unlike a leasehold private property.

PM Lee failed to bring this up because he knew he would be shooting his own foot.