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Sunday, August 19, 2018

The newspaper is a new construction material used in HDB!

The newspaper is a new construction material used in HDB nowadays!

When my parents' house underwent the HIP in 2013, we also encountered the same thing. My father saw the construction worker inserted newspapers around the windows gaps before using the cement to cover the gaps.  I wrote in to HDB and town council to complain about the shoddy work but HDB didn't take any punitive action against the contractor and the contractor didn't rectify the shoddy work.  This kind of shoddy work didn't occur just for our block but other blocks too.  I still remembered that Surbana was the main contractor for the HIP for our estate.

This is a classic example of ownself checks ownself policy.  This is also why I won't agree to this ownself checks ownself policy.

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