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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

OMG! Tan Chun Sing doesn't understand the USA mentality.


Why did the USA pull out of TPP?  This was because Trump understood that bilateral negotiation would give the USA more bargaining power than multilateral negotiation.

When the USA engages in any bilateral trade negotiation with another country, it can use its US$19T economy to make an imposition on the smaller country to succumb to the USA demands.  However, it's harder for the USA to impose its demands during a multilateral negotiation.

Trump has this "America First" propaganda and he won't relent.  Tan Chun Sing doesn't understand this and still seeks to ask the USA to engage in multilateral negotiation.

The USA will only serve its own interest but won't care a hoot about others.  The recent incident of the USA punishing Turkey, a NATO member, already proved it.  Turkey stood by the USA in many international affairs but still got backstabbed by the USA in the end.

Tan should look at the bad records of the USA in the past first before he opened his mouth.


Eric Ho said...


Trump's speech at the UN had given our minister a tight slap because Trump was all about "America First" and he would never surrender the sovereignty to a 3rd party.

Eric Ho said...


Singapore is keeping quiet when the US doesn't respect the rules-based system.

Therefore, Singapore should also keep quiet when other countries also follow the US.

If not, Singapore will be prejudiced in the eyes of others and will lose credibility in the international arena.