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Friday, June 7, 2019

The recalcitrant PAP refused to back down.

Look here! The only 2 countries that knew the truth were Cambodia and Vietnam, not SG and other countries.  These 2 countries are condemning SG now.

PAP is accusing Vietnam of being the invader and Cambodia the victim.  Let's put this in a satirical perspective (Vietnam-rapist, Cambodia-victim).  SG is accusing Vietnam of raping Cambodia in the past.  However, the rapist and victim denied the rape.  SG, being the bystander, insisted that Vietnam raped Cambodia.  Does this make sense?  Cambodia, being the victim, won't deny the rape if it did happen. 

Just look at the Japanese invasion!

South Korea, China and the rest of the world did not deny that their women were raped and forced to become comfort women. These countries insisted that it did happen!

History is not defined by politicians or else it will become a fake history when it is interpreted by politicians.

What good can SG derive out of this political squabble?  SG will only offend the 2 ASEAN nations for nothing.

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