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Sunday, March 1, 2020

Japan and Russia alleged that covid-19 originated in the US. - Part 2

China confirmed the covid-19 virus outbreak in Wuhan was in December 2019.  

This would mean that the actual timeline for the virus to appear in Wuhan was in November 2019 because the incubation period was 14-day and it would take some time for the cases to build up before the medical authority was cognizant of the outbreak.  (Please remember this timeline.)

China scientists had already stated that covid-19 H38 was traced back to the US and the virus was imported into Wuhan.  Japan and Russia also alleged that the virus originated in the US.

Let's see if the allegation was valid or not.

If the US wanted to smuggle the virus into China in late 2019, when would be the best time to do it?  The best time would be when the airport was super busy because airport security won't be so tight as it had to clear the vast number of passengers fast.

When will an airport be super busy? The airport would be super busy when there was a major event happening.  I googled and discovered that China held 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan from October 18-27 (Please remember this timeline).

I found something uncanny when I looked at the scoreboard.  The US team didn't win any gold medal in this international competition despite sending more than 300 personnel to Wuhan.

Please remember that the US has the strongest and most powerful military in the world and yet its personnel can't win a single medal in the military games.  Isn't this strange?

The only explanation for this failure was that the US didn't send its best personnel for the competition because the US was afraid that its best personnel would get caught for spreading the virus in Wuhan.  The Athletes alsstayed near Huangjiahu Lake which was very near to Huanan Seafood Market.

Just look at how close the Athletes were from Huanan Seafood Market (Less than 25km).

If the US personnel released the virus at Huanan Seafood Market before their departure, the first case of covid-19 would appear in mid-November after the 14-day incubation period.  Then, it would take some time for the cases to build up before China confirmed the outbreak in December 2019.  The chronological events matched the timeline of the virus outbreak.

Let's recap:
1. Japan alleged that the virus originated in the US by analyzing big data.
2. China scientists traced covid-19 H38 to the US.
3. Russia alleged that the virus originated in the US.
4. The chronological events in 2019 also inferred that the US was involved.

OK, case closed!

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

More information about covid-19 is unfolding.

Covid-19 virus is in its 5th generation now. However, China scientists found that the Wuhan virus came from the 3rd generation and the covid-19 virus in the US came from the 1st, 2nd and 4th generations.

How could covid-19 originate from Wuhan when there was no 1st generation virus? Therefore, it's very obvious that covid-19 originate in the US.

The next question is: How did the covid-19 virus from the US spread in Wuhan?