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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Will the US be heading for a soft or hard landing? - Part 6

The most recent New York Empire State Manufacturing index had indicated a sharp deceleration (-11.6) in the US economy.  This index is a prelude to how the ISM PMI will perform next.

Morgan Stanley (MS) had also indicated a very bearish prognosis for the US economy after Goldman Sachs.  The 15% drop in the stocks was derived from a mixture of factors which included the gordon growth model, PMI and equity risk premium.  I've looked at the complex model and its basis of assumptions, and I can tell you guys that the MS prognosis (15% drop) is very reasonable.
Moreover, the former FED, Ben Bernanke, had also issued his warning of economic malaise in the US because the current US FED made a mistake by not hiking rates earlier and this made the US way behind the inflation curve.

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