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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

PM Lee said there's no NEPOTISM but research showed otherwise.

I found this Lee family network picture online.

Maybe PM Lee should explain the relationships above.

The ulterior motive behind freedom of navigation.

This is just a political tactic for negotiation.

When you have no bargaining chip in your hand, you have to create a political issue which can sting your opponent.  Then, you can use this stinging issue for a quid pro quo negotiation in return.

The USA has been successful insofar in using this tactic because China President has raised this stinging issue with President Trump.

This is a typical USA political style and I've seen this played out many times.

Our MPs called for independent inquiry for the power abuse allegations but our PM Lee won't allow it.

PM Lee knows that more skeletons will be uncovered as his siblings will release more juicy stuff.  Therefore, he won't allow it and declare that there is no abuse of power.  End of the story.

Singapore stock calls for 4 July 2017

China's quantum radar will make USA stealth technology useless.

Stealth fighter planes will show up on quantum radar very clearly and its make and model can be established easily.

Look at the pictures below.

A bird is clearly identified on the quantum radar.

A stealth bomber is clearly identified on a quantum radar.

Lee Kuan Yew's email indicated that PM Lee had decided to declare the house as a heritage site.

This means that he will stop the executors from executing LKY's will.

Mr Goh said minister must sue or else step down!

Is he going to follow through on what he's said?

Will he ask PM Lee to step down?

What if PM Lee doesn't step down for not suing?

PM Lee made false claims about LKY's house!

LHY and LWL rebutted against LHL's false claims in parliament.

This saga will never end because LHL refuses to go to the court to settle this.  The parliament sitting doesn't allow LHY and LWL a right to speak out or cross-examined LHL.

We, the Singaporeans, are watching this like a Korean drama.

North Korea fired missile again!

Sigh! Here we go again!

NK has fired a missile today again!

NK is a poor country and yet Kim is wasting money on missile firing.  China has banned coal imports from NK already and NK will suffer economically with a major drop in coal income.

I don't know where his country is getting money for test firing its missiles when countries are banning NK imports.

Low Thia Khiang is right this time!

The best place to settle the family dispute is in the court, not in the parliament.  PM Lee doesn't want to go to the court because he is not the executor of LKY's will.  He knows the law favours the executors (LHY and LWL) over him.

Monday, July 3, 2017

PM Lee uses parliament to address allegations against him won't increase confidence in him.

Nobody can cross-examine him in the parliament as all the questions have to be forwarded to him before parliamentary sitting.

Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling also cannot be present to refute him or give their sides of the story.  Therefore, it's not a fair channel like a court proceeding.


Beware of KKKL bus tours and travel agency!

This KKKL is an irresponsible company!  Its bus driver made off with the bus and passengers' valuables but the company didn't help to locate its bus driver or compensate the passengers.

Please buy bus insurance to protect your valuables in the bus and never take KKKL bus.

Singapore stock calls for 3 July 2017

Qatar will NEVER agree to Saudi's unreasonable demands.

There's no way to agree to Saudi's unreasonable demands as Iran and Turkey helped Qatar in the face of the adversary (Saudi) during bad times.

Qatar will lose its credibility and friendship if it turns its back on Iran & Turkey and will be held as a hostage state forever by Saudi.  This is definitely not in Qatar's interest in the long run.

USA encroached on China's territory again.

What's the point of doing this except for the purpose of a public stunt?

The USA still got chased away by China's navy.  This is just like a cat and mouse chase game.  The mouse will always run away after seeing the cat.  The USA is afraid to take on the China's navy.  If the USA destroyer is really in international water, it should stay put and defend its stance.

If the USA backs off from its position, it means the USA is not in international water.

Japan PM Abe was defeated in Tokyo assembly vote.

His loss was due to his power abuse.

It will be difficult for him to push his economic and political policies in the parliament if he doesn't retain a majority support.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Skirmishes between China and Vietnam.

General Fan from China left the meeting with Vietnam because he received intelligence that Vietnam and USA were conducting oil exploration in Nansha while he's in Vietnam which was tantamount to a backstab on General Fan.

Who wouldn't be fuming?  The meeting was supposed to defuse the tension but Vietnam did exactly the opposite when General Fan arrived in Vietnam.

Both sides should adhere to the agreed codes of conduct and defuse the tension or there won't be peace in South China Sea.

Our late Lee Kuan Yew was wary of Vietnam in the past and was the first PM in the world to write to the Thailand King to warn about Vietnam.  Moreover, our late Lee Kuan Yew was also the one who encouraged the USA to contain Vietnam which resulted in the Vietnam war because Lee Kuan Yew didn't want communism to spread to South East Asia.

Baltic dry index - 901

Today, Friday, June 30 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 19 points, reaching 901 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean

US rig count - 940

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. fell by one this week to 940.
A year ago, just 431 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 756 rigs sought oil and 184 explored for natural gas this week.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Texas gained one rig. Alaska and Colorado each lost one.
Arkansas, California, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco

Will smoking ban at Orchard Road improve visitor experience?

Well, I don't know about you guys but I usually stay indoor in the mall to enjoy the air-con unless I've to walk to another mall on the street.  Therefore, there's not much improvement in the visitor experience to speak of as I don't stay long on the street.  Singapore is so hot and humid and there's no reason to stay long on the street unless I want to "roast" myself in the day.  The nightlife is also not fun at Orchard Road unless you are looking for a happy ending at Lucky Plaza or Orchard Tower.

I must say Orchard Road has lost its allure as a shopping paradise and I've not shopped at Orchard Road for a long time already.  I don't go to Orchard Road unless on a need-to basis which is usually reserved for a business appointment.

The shopping experience is not great anymore at Orchard Road because its product mix is not attractive or interesting.  I rather stay at home to browse and shop online at my own comfort time.  My shopping habit has changed and I've shopped more online nowadays.  The Orchard Business Association is looking at the wrong cause of the problem.  I know that mall retail vacancy is increasing and the Orchard Business Association is very worried but prescribing the wrong medicine for the ailment won't improve the condition at all.

The Orchard Business Association has to bear in the mind that China and Japanese tourists are smokers and they will also reduce their shopping visits to Orchard Road due to the smoking ban.

This smoking ban will definitely impact Orchard retail revenues and more retailers will move out as they cannot sustain their retail businesses due to the high rentals.  Last but not least, I'm not a smoker and I exercise regularly.  Thus, this is not a prejudiced opinion of the smoking ban for Orchard Road.

PS: If NEA is really worried about our health, it will be better to reduce carbon dioxide and PM2.5 in the air as these cause more harm to our bodies than cigarettes.