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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

China is really a high technology country.

Just take a look at how the traffic police do its work compared to SG.

No wonder the China people are laughing at SG for being so outdated and low-tech.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Italy is on the verge of breaking up after Spain.

The domino effect is happening.  Some parts of Italy also want to gain independence after Catalan's independence vote.

If Europe allows Catalan's independence, there won't be any reason to stop others from following suit.  Catalan will be kicked out of Europe after independence and has to pay high taxes for its goods and services.  No FTA for Catalan!

Singapore stock calls for 23 October 2017

Abe won the Japan election on Sunday.

He won because his opposition was too weak but Abe's support was just as weak as before.  Nothing much changes because abenomics policies don't work anymore.  Abe prefers to focus on the pacifist constitution reforms instead of the economic reforms.

Abe wants to have the prerogative to start a war!

Noble will report a loss of $1.2B in Q3.

Q2 2017 = $1.75B loss
Q3 2017 = $1.2B loss

How long do you think Noble can last after losing close to $3B in just 2 quarters?

The cash proceeds from this sale will be $580M which are still much lesser than its debt of more than $3B.

Noble is burning cash pretty fast!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

The truth behind Li Ka Shing's divestment in China.

Why did Li Ka Shing cash out of China?

Li Ka Shing was trying to avoid being persecuted by Xi Jinping for bribery in China and had no choice but to cash out of China.  Li Ka Shing's divestment was not due to any loss of confidence in China economic growth as China was still growing pretty well and the property market was still on an upward trend after his divestment.

Li Ka Shing started to do very well in the property developments in China after getting to know Jiang Zemin whilst Jiang was still in power.  Li Ka Shing transferred one of his subsidiaries' shares to Jiang's son in exchange for a property development in China and that exchange was the first major pot of gold for Jiang.  Thereafter, there were many exchanges of favours and monetary rewards between them including the expeditious capture of the Li son's kidnapper in China.

However, things began to change after Xi's ascension to power.  Xi embarked on his corruption-fighting campaign after becoming the leader and also wrestled with Jiang because Xi discovered Jiang's intention to get rid of Xi.  Jiang regretted his decision to support Xi because Xi was more upright than he thought.

Therefore, Li Ka Shing quickly cashed out of China and moved his HQ to London from HK.  As we all know, HK is part of China and Li Ka Shing doesn't want to take the risk.

Jiang Zemin lost the political battle to Xi Jinping.

A picture really tells a thousand words.

Despite Jiang's flailing condition, he had to attend Xi's presentation in the 19th Communist Party Congress to give the face to Xi.  In fact, Jiang could have excused himself from the Party Congress based on his poor health.

We still could tell that Jiang and Xi had an acrimonious relationship because Xi didn't bother to help Jiang to be seated.  Xi just stood there like a statue without displaying any kind gesture.

It's pretty obvious who won the political battle in China.

There is a rumour circulating that Jiang and Xi have reached a settlement in secrecy.  Xi will not persecute Jiang for corruption and also spare his 2 sons in exchange for the support in Xi's leadership continuation.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

US fiscal deficit in 2017 - USD$666B

The US fiscal deficit in 2017 is already USD$666b.  Trump tax plan will add more to its current deficit.  However, the Senate only managed to pass the deficit of USD$1.5T in the next decade.  Therefore, Trump couldn't get his $5T tax plan fully implemented.

Baltic dry index - 1578

Today, Friday, October 20 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 4 points, reaching 1578 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 913

HOUSTON (AP) - The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. declined by 15 this week to 913.
That's up from the 553 rigs that were active a year ago.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 736 rigs sought oil and 177 explored for natural gas this week.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Texas lost eight rigs, Alaska and Wyoming each declined by two and New Mexico and Utah each lost one.
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and West Virginia were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco

Friday, October 20, 2017

UK has no prerogative to meddle in HK's affairs.

HK is part of China and UK has no prerogative to meddle in HK's affairs.  HK's autonomy is not defined by the UK.

How would UK feel if China demands the UK to give Scotland independence?

China GDP grew at 6.8% in Q3.

This was quite close to what was estimated at 7%.

Let's hope that China can continue the momentum till the end of the year.

Singapore stock calls for 20 October 2017

UOB has just marked down its O&G loans by 70-80%.

This showed that our banks had been too optimistic about the recovery in the O&G industry in the past.

Let's see what DBS & OCBC will do.

We did warn about such optimism and the banks were not forthcoming with O&G loan exposures.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

ECB will start QE tapering in Jan 2018.

ECB will start reducing bond purchases by $20B euros in Jan 2018.  The bond purchases will reduce from $60b to $40b in Jan 2018 and will continue to reduce gradually over time.

Spain to suspend Catalan autonomy.

The Spanish move will definitely spark more instabilities in Catalan and the Spain stock market.

Singapore stock calls for 19 October 2017

HNA to delist CWT from SGX after Nov 2.

Goodbye CWT!

Another client has left SGX. Sigh!

SGX doesn't understand the capital market!

Why do I say that?

Just look at the flopped collaborative agreements in the past.

SGX-CLOB failed!
SGX-ASX failed!
SGX-TWSE failed!
SGX-ASEAN failed!

The SGX has just signed another collaborative agreement with Nasdaq.  Needless to say, it will flop too because no company will want to list on SGX when it can list on Nasdaq.  This win-lose collaboration will benefit Nasdaq more than SGX.

SGX just doesn't understand the capital market and stock trading exchange well enough.  It removed and reinstated the lunch break, kept changing the bid/sell spreads, etc.  No wonder SGX is losing its listed clients more than it is attracting the IPOs.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 17 October 2017

North Korea warns of a nuclear war!

I hope there won't be a nuclear war in Asia as this will cause devastations.

The USA softens its stance after NK warning which is a good news for Asia.

Bitcoin fanatics: Dumbest thing on wall street.

Bitcoin fanatics really don't know what they're saying.

They try to use the Wi-Fi analogy to say that Bitcoin is as useful as Wi-Fi but Bitcoin is not Wi-Fi.  Wi-Fi is a technology but bitcoin is a derivative of a technology.  The technology behind Bitcoin is Blockchain, an open digital ledger.

One of the derivatives of Wi-Fi is wireless files transfer.  Therefore, Bitcoin is just like a wireless files transfer if we want to make a compatible comparison.  We use wifi everyday but not wireless files transfer.  Therefore, bitcoin is not as important and useful as what the fanatics portend it to be.  It is the blockchain technology that we're interested in, not bitcoin.

Anyway, Wi-Fi is already outdated because there is Li-Fi now.

It's time for the fanatics to wake up from their dreams.

China won't be using normal MRTs in the future.

China will be implementing maglev system in China instead of using the normal MRTs track.  Maglev system gives passengers a smooth ride.  Just look at the coin standing on the floor during motion.

Singapore non-oil domestic exports (NODX) - Part 6

Singapore NODX decreased 1.1% in September YOY.

Year on year changes:

September 2017: -1.1%
August 2017: 16.7%
July 2017: 8.5%
June 2017: 8.2%
May 2017: -1.2%
Apr 2017: -0.7%
Mar 2017: 16.5%
Feb 2017: 21.1%
Jan 2017: 8.6%
Dec 2016: 9.1%
Nov 2016: 15.6%

Somalia worst terrorist attack in decades.

A truck bomb had just killed more than 300 people in Somalia last Saturday but not many news media reported it.

Whether the victims are black, white, yellow or brown, we must express abhorrence towards such terrorism of killing innocent lives.

Fully automatic carpark in China.

Car parking is such a breeze in China now.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Our PM Lee still thinks that the Tuas mega port will boost Singapore as a maritime hub!

Our PM Lee negates the Melaka Gateway impacts on SG port and also disregards the China port alliance which bypasses SG.

China also took over the Gwadar port in Pakistan from SG and this would definitely impact SG.  We fought so hard to get the Gwadar port under SG control because it was strategically located.

All these are omitted from PM Lee's speech.  Therefore, I would DISAGREE totally with his analysis.

Singapore stock calls for 16 October 2017

New downturn MRT open house encountered service disruptions.

We cannot even make our MRT work properly nowadays!

The top management always blames the lower ranked employees for not doing the job well.

If you've been living in China, you will know that China MRTs carry more people than SG but they won't break down like our MRTs.

How can we expect to have a proper working KL-SG HSR?

North Korea and South Korea won't hold talks in Russia.

It is not surprising that NK is unwilling to talk to SK.  We did state the reason for this impasse in our previous posting below.

Global inflation is coming because China PPI is spiking!

China PPI rose 6.9% in September year-on-year!  It is only a matter of time that China will export inflation to the world.  Therefore, it is right for FED to raise interest rate in December.

China's economy is powering ahead with an estimate of 7% in H2.

It's nice to see China powering ahead with good economic growth because China is our largest trading partner.  SG can just ride on China's prosperity and prosper together.


Saturday, October 14, 2017

OMG! Apple Iphones may be banned in China!

Qualcomm has applied to a China court to ban Iphones in China.  If this injunction gets passed, Apple stock prices will crash because China is Apple's largest market outside the USA.

Bitcoin trading analysis!

Why was there a rumour that China would resume bitcoin trading soon?

The reason is simple:  The Japanese investors are trying to cash out by making the bitcoin prices spike higher.

If you look at the historical events in bitcoin trading, you would realize that the USA started trading bitcoins at less than $1000.  Thereafter, the Chinese traded bitcoins at $1000+ and cashed out at $4000+ because of China regulations.  Then, Japan legalized bitcoin trading and the Japanese traded bitcoins at around $4000+.  Therefore, the Japanese investors have to make the bitcoins trade higher so that they can cash out.  This is akin to the passing of the baton game and the last guy who holds the baton will get the penalty.

Baltic dry index - 1485

Today, Friday, October 13 2017, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 27 points, reaching 1485 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 928

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. declined by eight this week to 928.
That's up from the 539 rigs that were active a year ago.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 743 rigs sought oil and 185 explored for natural gas this week.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Alaska, Kansas, North Dakota and Pennsylvania each gained one rig.
Texas lost four rigs, Oklahoma declined by three, California lost two and Louisiana and West Virginia each declined by one.
Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Ohio, Utah and Wyoming were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Friday, October 13, 2017

The troublemaker, USA, lost the war in Syria to Russia.

Who and what started the war in Syria in the first place?

The USA was the one who created the war in Syria by trying to topple the Syrian government.  Then, it roped the UK into the tussle against Syria to gain a stronger foothold.  The USA & UK were trying to control the Middle East by establishing more proxies but the Russian thwarted the plan.  In the end, it was the Russian who managed to gain control of Syria.  The USA and UK can no longer decide on Syria today because of the Russian's intervention.

In a nutshell, the USA, UK and Russia are the countries that created the mess in Syria for their own political interests.

China knew exactly what was going on in Syria and censured the UK in the UN.  The UK couldn't rebut China because it was guilty as charged.


"Lastly, I should like to point out once again that it is totally unacceptable for the British representative to publicly distort the solemn position of another country in the Council Chamber. His logic is untenable. We hope that, on the issue of chemical weapons, on which the international community is in consensus, he will stop using the Security Council in an abusive manner for his own political purposes, as that is not in the interest of the Syrian people, and that, in the future, the British representative will refrain from such practices."

End Quote.

ECB is concerned about cryptocurrency and may take action against it.

China, South Korea and Russia have taken actions against cryptocurrency.  Europe will be joining the foray against cryptocurrency soon.

SPH is shutting down Asiaone website.

SPH doesn't know how to grow its web media business despite having a complete monopoly in Singapore.  Therefore, it is resorting to cutting manpower, closing down money-losing operation and venturing into the property business.

When SPH is ranked no. 151 out of 180 in the world press freedom ranking in 2017, it is hard to impose a subscription on readers as readers can read better quality news online for free.

Singapore stock calls for 13 October 2017

Bitcoin soars to an all time high!

This is obviously the work of someone or a syndicate spreading a rumour that China will allow bitcoin trading to resume soon which sparks the spike in bitcoin price.

China will never do a policy u-turn in such a short time.

Bitcoin is just a manipulated commodity by a small group of people.

Apple is facing significant headwinds for its flagship Iphones!

China has started to offer discounts for Iphone 8 due to the poor sales and people are doubtful about the Iphone X now.

Apple is in troubles now!  It will drag its suppliers down too.

Great news! Singapore is growing exceptionally strong in the 3rd quarter.

SG is growing strongly at 4.6% in Q3 year-on-year compared to 2.4% in Q2.

Hopefully, this year will be a better year than last year.  Cheers!

UK is poignant that China values the USA more.

The UK has to visit China to get more trade deals because of its own Brexit.  However, it is feeling poignant that China chooses to entertainment the USA instead of the UK in November 2017.

Therefore, the UK is postponing the China trip.  However, it has offered a good faith gesture to China by not conducting freedom of navigation in South China Sea as it badly needs more trade deals.

We can tell from this that everything in this world is about politics and money.  The UK always encourages independence in other states or countries.  For example, the UK supports Tibet independence, Taiwan independence and HK independence.  However, when it comes to Scotland independence, the UK doesn't allow it.  This just goes to show that the UK is nothing but just a hypocrite.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 12 October 2017

Physics 101 - All objects will fall to the ground at the same time.

In physics, we learnt that all objects would fall to the ground at the same time.  However, we realized that it was impossible in the real world.  Scientists had proven the laws of physics in a controlled environment whereby there's no air resistance to affect the falling objects.

When there's no air resistance, objects really fall to the ground at the same time regardless of weight and shape because the same gravity is acting on the objects.

Another investment trust to delist from SGX!

SGX is losing its clients faster than it can attract new clients.  Genting HK, Global Logistics and Indiabulls Properties are all leaving SGX.

The USA has proven itself to be lacking in credibility

Trump has reinforced the common global perspective about USA's credibility.  There is no point in signing any contract with the USA government because it can renege on its contractual obligations at its whims and fancies.

No wonder the North Korea doesn't trust the USA.  There is no way that the Korea peninsula crisis can be resolved without trust.

How will the Kobe steel scandal affect you?

If you drive a Japanese car or take a Japan made MRT, you better watch out.

The low quality steels have been used in cars, aircrafts, space rockets, trains and defence equipment.  There are many steel grades and Kobe falsified data about the strength and durability of such steels for approvals to be used.

Consumer safety has been compromised!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Russia accuses the USA of condoning ISIS in Syria.

This is not surprising and unexpected as the USA has been grooming terrorists in the Middle East especially when Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state.

Saddem and Osama used to be close allies of the USA in the past.  The USA started to wipe them out when it lost control of the terrorists.  Many of the terrorists were trained by the USA and armed with USA weapons.

Singapore stock calls for 11 October 2017

I like Warren Buffett's view on cryptocurrency. How about you?

How did Warren Buffett view cryptocurrency?

Warren Buffett viewed cryptocurrency as a means of money transfer and not real money.  This is also his reason for not investing in cryptocurrency.  His rationale behind cryptocurrency is substantiated by his financial background and investment experiences and he uses a simple analogy to explain the cryptocurrency.

His analogy:

Cryptocurrency is just a means of money transfer which is similar to a conventional cheque.  A cheque is also a means of money transfer.  How much would you pay for a cheque then?  He said he couldn't understand the rationale for other people wanting to pay so much for a cryptocurrency just for money transfer.  There is no real use for a cryptocurrency and it doesn't yield any dividend at all.

We really need a savvy billionaire like him to jolt us back from our dreamland to the reality.  Even an ex-IMF economist doesn't have faith in cryptocurrency.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Glass shattering bridge is scary!

It's really funny to look at these expressions. Heehee!

Russia to ban cryptocurrency trading after China.

This will definitely reduce money laundering for Russian.  Cryptocurrencies are mostly used for money laundering instead of proper commercial transactions.  Therefore, it will be a matter of time for cryptocurrencies to implode in the future.

Singapore stock calls for 10 October 2017

China won the contract to build MRT in Singapore.

Look like our PM Lee has shown goodwill gesture towards China after visiting China in September 2017.

Is this a prelude to the KL-SG HSR contract to China?  China has not responded to our KL-SG invitation insofar.

Malaysia to impose S$8 VEP on SG cars.

This new VEP of S$8 is on top of the 20ringgit imposed on SG cars earlier.

We did state clearly in our previous posting that Malaysia won't be so accommodative towards SG anymore.  Please read our posting below.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Sigh! Another big market capitalisation stock will delist from SGX after Genting HK.

GLP will delist next year.  SGX has been losing quite a number of big clients because it is losing its competitiveness due to low liquidity.  Low liquidity stock exchange will not yield a high valuation for a listing company.

SGX always attracts mid-size companies to list on its stock exchange while bigger ones prefer to list on HKEX and US stock exchanges.

Singapore stock calls for 9 October 2017

Indian women was gang raped at gun point in front of her hubby and baby.

India is really a rapist paradise.  This is really disgusting!

The UK prepares for war with North Korea.

Was this the storm that Trump was talking about?

The UK is a close ally of the USA.  Therefore, the UK is privy to any decision from the USA.

This Korean peninsula war won't be a simple war because too many countries are involved.

China, Russia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, USA and UK will be involved in this Korean war.  OMG!

Turkey and USA are at loggerheads now.

The USA's support for the Turds has got on the Turkey's nerves and also pushes Turkey closer to Russia.

Turkey is a NATO member whereby NATO is controlled by the USA.

Let's see how this will pan out.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Hot news! Trump: "The calm before the storm."

What is the storm?

Is Trump insinuating that he will start the NK war soon?  Stock markets will crash big time because of the NK war!

Maybe he will impose harsher sanctions against Iran which is a bigger threat to the USA than NK.

Let's see.

Iphone 8 batteries swelling problem is real!

More than half a dozen cases reported in Japan, Taiwan, China, Canada & Greece.  This will definitely impact Iphone 8 sales.

Apple shares price will get dicey.

Sigh! The North Korea rocket man may conduct missile test again!

This is to retaliate against the USA for the new sanctions against NK.

NK fat boy knows that the USA won't dare to attack NK.  Therefore, he is continuing his missile launching game.

Baltic dry index - 1405

oday, Friday, October 06 2017, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 23 points, reaching 1405 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 936

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. declined by four this week to 936.
That's up from the 524 rigs that were active a year ago.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 748 rigs sought oil and 187 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Oklahoma gained three rigs and Colorado added one.
Texas lost three rigs, Pennsylvania and Wyoming lost two each, and Louisiana shed one rig.
Alaska, Arkansas, California, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Utah and West Virginia were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 6 October 2017

Please vote on our HSR poll.

We would like to know our readers' response to the KL-SG HSR ticket price.

Please vote on our HSR poll.

KL-SG HSR ticket price will be around $60-$65 for a single trip.

OMG! That's really expensive as a return trip will cost $120-$130 per pax.  I don't think a Singapore family will travel to KL often for leisure purpose because of the high price.

A Singaporean family of 4 will cost around $500.

China has boosted its air power with the 5th generation J-20.

The touted J20 is in service now in China air force.  This will boost its air power and will counter the USA F-35 in Japan and South Korea.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 4 October 2017

Genting HK is delisting from SGX.

This is a company with a market capitalization of about S$2.9B.  SGX has lost another big client.  SGX really cannot compete with HKEX.

Catalonia will announce independence soon after successfully breaking away from Spain.

This is definitely not good news for Europe because it will set an example for others to follow.  Scotland has been trying to break away from UK and will want to follow Catalonia.

Ireland, France and Italy will also face increased pressures from separatists in their own countries.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 3 October 2017

China will be replacing WIFI with LIFI soon.

Wifi will be outdated soon and wifi chips in computers, routers and mobile phones will become obsolete.

China has achieved another breakthrough in technology and everyone will be using LIFI soon.

Kevin Warsh is slated to replace Janet Yellen as FED Chair.

This man is more hawkish than Janet Yellen and he will want to end the QE much faster than Yellen as he sees that FED is being held hostage by the stock market.

USA gunman fired a machine gun at the crowd below the Mandalay Hotel.

This is definitely an act of terrorism.  The white man was shooting from the 32nd floor of Mandalay Hotel.  He mounted his machine gun in the hotel room and fired at the crowd below.  Up till date, about 59 died in this shooting craze.

Spain police attacked referendum voters!

Not only did the Spain police attack the referendum voters, they also attacked the officials and firemen.  This won't end well as this violence against its own citizens would only reinforce their resolve to gain independence.

Apple is reporting bad sales for Iphone 8 and 8 plus in China, HK and India.

Some analysts attribute the poor sales to the upcoming Iphone X sales launch.  If the Iphone X sales launch is also bad, Apple and its suppliers' stock prices will fall again.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 2 October 2017

The Chinese who hated China would always emigrate to the USA.

This is the same with Amos Yee who hates Singapore.  All these people will take up the USA citizenships and badmouth their own countries of origin when they're no longer in their birthplaces.

Therefore, not all Chinese Americans are pro-China and most of them are not China spies.

Spain is breaking up.

This comes after Iraq break-up.  This Spain break-up doesn't bode well for Europe because Spain is not doing well now and will become weaker.  Catalonia constitutes 10% of Spain's population but 20% of Spain's economy.  Spain will drag Europe down.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Bad Iphone sales launch in China.

Iphone sales launch in China Hangzhou has no queue.  People used to queue overnight in China for Iphone launch but the recent Iphone 8 had only 2 people in the queue.  The security guards were more than customers.

Our Iphones poll.

This poll shows that most of our readers are not interested in Iphones.  Heehee!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

The same F1 event but different views and outcomes.

Singapore has extended F1 for another 4 years.  Singapore government sees an economic value in the F1 event because it has a multiplier effect on SG such as boosting the hotel, retail and F&B businesses.

However, Malaysia doesn't want to host F1 despite having a proper race track.  Malaysian government sees no entertainment value in the F1 event because there is no consumer gratification in sitting down to watch the F1 and also a huge cost involved in organising it.

Who is right? and What is right? Economic vs Entertainment value!

China's manufacturing and services are growing well.

China official PMI rose to 52.4 in September compared to 51.7 in August.  50 is the dividing line between growth and contraction.

However, the private Caixin PMI slipped to 51 from 51.6 but it was still showing growth albeit diminishing growth.

The non-manufacturing or services index rose to 55.4 in September from 53.4 in August.

These indexes show that China economic growth is stable and growing gradually.

South Korea bans initial coin offering (ICO) after China.

SK has joined China in banning ICOs.

Bitcoin or virtual currency is a flawed concept.

When this virtual currency scam is over, many people will be burnt heavily. Sigh!

Baltic dry index - 1356

Today, Friday, September 29 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 35 points, reaching 1356 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 940

The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by five this week to 940.
That's up from the 522 rigs that were active a year ago.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 750 rigs sought oil and 189 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Utah gained four rigs and Louisiana increased by two. New Mexico and North Dakota each gained one.
Oklahoma lost three rigs and Texas shed two.
Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wyoming were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

North Korea radar is no longer working due to shortage of electricity.

NK had no military action against US bomber flight recently.

The lack of energy is really thwarting NK's defence system.  Therefore, the USA doesn't need to use F35 against NK as the situation in NK is getting dire without oil imports.

Singapore stock calls for 29 September 2017

Another bad news for Iphone 8.

Iphone 8 battery is defective and will swell up to crack the Iphone.

Buyers beware!

Friday, September 29, 2017

India is heading towards a hard landing.

The belligerent India is heading towards a hard landing.  Instead of focusing on developing its economy, India prefers to fight with its neighbours and waste unnecessary military spending on buying military weapons.

We did give a precursory warning on India recently.

Venezuela president is urging its military to get ready for USA invasion!

The USA is creating troubles again!  This time is with Venezuela.

We did post about this in our previous posting.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

China drones are combat ready!

Just look at the precision of the weapons!  All hit targets!

Singapore stock calls for 28 September 2017

Nokia 3310 is available in 3G now! Yeah!

This Nokia 3310 is 3G ready which is different from the Nokia 3310 in other countries because the other Nokia 3310 model is only 2G ready which is unusable in Singapore.

It's a great phone for elderly.  Heehee!

KGI Fraser is dead wrong about the FED staying put on the interest rate in December 2017.

I extracted this from KGI Fraser research report on 25 September 2017.

I believe KGI is wrong in its analysis and the analyst should be fired for the singularity thinking that is primarily focused on inflation.

Fed Chair Janet Yellen has indicated a very hawkish stance on future interest rate hikes in her latest speech.  I predict that the FED will hike interest rate in December and nothing will stop her from doing so unless a war breaks out.