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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

APAC Realty - Stock calls


Amara - Stock calls


Stock calls for 15 December 2020


Why was it ridiculous for the US to accuse China of stealing its vaccination research materials? - Part 2

I knew that the western world would do something like this and this was the reason that I published such a post much earlier.

I felt that we must be able to differentiate the different approaches used by the west and China so that we would know the truth.  In a nutshell, the west used an incomplete virus vaccination (new) method while China used an inactive virus vaccination (traditional) method.  Therefore, these 2 vaccination methods are completely different and it won't make any sense to steal the research materials from each other because doing so would not help to improve their vaccination researches.

Monday, December 14, 2020

AIMS AMP Cap Ind Reit - Stock calls


AEM - Stock calls


Accordia Golf Trust - Stock calls


Stock calls for 14 December 2020

The Washington riot is not a precursor to a civil war in the US.

Some people were saying that the US might have a civil war but I didn't think so.  Why?

I don't think there will be a civil war in the US just because of a presidential election outcome. This is not a valid reason worth dying for in a civil war. There will only be protests and riots inflamed by those people who cannot admit defeat. A civil war will happen if a US state is trying to gain independence by force but this is not the case here.

I think Trump is upping his ante as the presidential handover gets closer. The US judges have been rejecting Trump's quixotic election claim and he has to do something to exonerate himself from his criminal activities. Like I said before, he's just embarking on a self-preservation journey because he knows too well that the US is a dealmaking country. If the protests and riots spread across the US, this will only benefit Trump because he can invoke the emergency law to take control of the US and prevent the presidential handover. Therefore, the escalation in the riots will give Trump his bargaining chip to negotiate with Biden and Biden may relent for the sake of a peaceful transition and economic growth. Let's watch how Biden will handle this. Is Biden going to nip this in the bud by having an early negotiation with Trump or let the riots escalate and spread across the US?

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Why was it ridiculous for the US to accuse China of stealing its vaccination research materials?

If you have a good basic understanding of how things work, you will know who is lying or smearing.  Therefore, I will explain briefly the vaccination researches adopted in the US and China.

The US pharmaceutical companies are using the mRNA method (new) to produce their covid vaccinations while China is using the tried and tested method (traditional) of using an inactive virus to produce its vaccinations.

In layman's terms, the mRNA process is to retain some parts of the genome that won't change and remove the parts that will change from the genome.  Therefore, the incomplete virus with consistent parts will make the body recognize the "virus" and trigger the immunity to kick in.  Since the modified RNA strain is not a complete virus, it cannot harm the body like a complete virus does.

The traditional method of using an inactive virus works in a completely different way.  The process is to inactivate a virus by preventing its replication process or blocking it from latching itself to DNA.  In other words, the inactive virus becomes incompetent and cannot replicate itself in a body because the transmission process is blocked.  Therefore, this inactive virus will make the body recognize the virus and trigger the immunity to kick in but it will not harm the body since it cannot replicate itself in the body.

Since the US and China use different approaches to produce their vaccines, it doesn't make sense for China to steal US vaccination research materials as China cannot use such irrelevant materials to improve its vaccines.  There is also no need for China to steal the US vaccination's data because the US has to reveal the efficacy rate, side effects, and immunity period for usages.

Baltic dry index - 1211

 Related stock: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan ocean.

US rig count - 799


Related stock: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Is the US stock market overvalued?

 Let's take a look at the 2 charts and we will know the answer.

Warren Buffett Index

This index is calculated by using the Total Market Capitalization and divided by the US GDP.

How do you interpret the chart?

The WB index is at 182.2 now.  An index that is above 120 is an overvaluation and an index that is below 80 is an undervaluation.  Therefore, anything between 80 to 120 is neutral (normal).  The US stock market is extremely overvalued now as indicated by the WB index.

Shiller PE ratio chart

The Shiller PE Ratio is the 2nd highest on record now as shown on the chart.   How much more do you think the US stock market can move up higher?

Ascendas Reit (A-Reit) - Stock calls


Yoma - Stock calls


Yanlord - Stock calls


Stock calls for 11 December 2020


It is ridiculous for 5 eyes alliance and India to demand for a backdoor for our chat apps.

These 6 countries are being ridiculous beyond comprehension.

We know that they cannot monitor us when we use China's technology and network such as Huawei 5G.  This is the reason the US demands other countries not to use Huawei 5G.

The US proclaimed that Huawei 5G posed security risks but it was the US that wanted to monitor everything.

Shame on these 6 countries!

US fighter pilot took a clear image of a UFO!

This image was leaked recently and the picture was taken by a supposedly F18 pilot.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Valuetronics - Stock calls


UOL - Stock calls


UOB-Kay Hian - Stock calls


Stock calls for 8 December 2020

Omg! Immunity passports may be required for travelling in the future!

This has been one of our concerns since this new requirement will dash the travelling desires because the vaccination is not permanent which means it has to be taken regularly and has undesirable side effects.

US CMBS is in a precarious situation now! - Part 4

We've been warning about this on our numerous postings.

“Investors in these securities will definitely take losses -- it’s just a matter of when,” McNamara said.

The US FED is the primary buyer of CMBS and MBS and is likely to take a heavy hit from these securities.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Wow! Indonesia is the first Asean country to receive covid vaccines.

Indonesia had just received its first vaccines last Sunday.

This will definitely help Indonesia to contain its pandemic.

What this is showing is that speaking the same language as China won't build up a cozy relationship with China because actions speak louder than words.

I think other Asean members will be watching this closely and will be ordering China's vaccines if the efficacy is achieved in Indonesia.

Uob bank - Stock calls


Unusual - Stock calls


Uni-Asia - Stock calls


Stock calls for 7 December 2020

Is France getting the karma now?

France criticized HK for imposing national security laws just months ago to suppress democracy and it was also imposing its own security laws too.

What a joke!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The US will have a lot of Americans with low IQ after the covid outbreak.

As the US is the largest infectious country in the world, it will have a lot of people with lowered IQ and this will impede its progress in the future.

The covid virus will cause permanent damages to a person's visceral organs and brain.

Wow! The latest China's quantum computing is 10B times faster than Google's quantum 53 qubits computer.

China is leading in the technology arena now!

As China files for more technological patents just like what Huawei is doing, it will be able to set the technological standards in the world and the US cannot accuse China of IP thefts anymore.

Well done, China!

Australia soldiers killed innocent people in Afghanistan! - Part 3

The old videos from the Aussie soldiers' helmets have started to recirculate on the internet and we have decided to post one footage here.

The Aussie has to take the fall for this or else the US and UK will be dragged into this because some journalists are starting to write about the same atrocities committed by the US and UK.  The US and UK don't want to be at the forefront of the media for the wrong reason after Australia because they've been the champions of human rights.

Therefore, the US and UK are in a damage control mode now.  The Aussie PM has to swallow this humiliation or else more damaging things will be revealed by the US and UK.  As the US and UK were the dominant and leading forces in Afghanistan, they had all the evidence against the Aussie.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Moderna's vaccination can last at least 3 months which is below expectation.

Our natural immunity can last about 4-6 months but the immunity triggered by the vaccine can last at least 3 months.

The existing empirical research shows that natural immunity will last about 4 months for mildly infected patients and about 6 months for severely infected patients.  However, Moderna only discloses a general (average) immunity period which is not informative.

Hopefully, other pharmaceutical companies can disclose more information.

This means that we will need regular vaccinations just to travel abroad and this will reduce our travel desires because the side effects are undesirable.

UMS - Stock calls


UG Healthcare - Stock calls


Tuan Sing - Stock calls


Stock calls for 4 December 2020


The measured cadences of Australian's PM are thoughts evoking!

The Aussie PM has stopped his strong-arm tactics and backed off from demanding an apology from China for tweeting a digital artwork that criminalizes the Aussie soldiers.


I believe PM Morrison faces tremendous pressure from the UK and US to retract his strong-arm tactics against China because the UK and US are afraid their atrocities in Afghanistan will be publicized too.  The Afghans also had been accusing the UK and US of the same atrocities committed by the Aussie.

As we can see, the UK media released another picture of the Aussie's war crime after PM Morrison defiantly demanded an apology from China.  The recent UK revelation was a subtle warning to PM Morrison that the UK had more information to release if he didn't back off.

The UK and US are trying to do some damage control now and Aussie has to take the downfall for this.  Hahaha!

Trump is embarking on a self-preservation journey to exonerate himself. - Part 2

As we had stated previously, Trump was embarking on a self-preservation journey.  He is trying to strike a deal with Huawei Meng now. Hahaha!

Trump knows that China will go after him and his businesses once he steps down as the US President.  Therefore, he is trying to exonerate himself now.  Furthermore, the US is a dealmaking country and he will try to absolve himself from his criminal activities.

The USD is depreciating just as we've predicted. - Part 3


The USD index is below 91 now because of US easing policies and burgeoning debts.

The US has just announced its bill to delist Chinese companies and this will impact its USD too.

The US investment banking sector will be directly impacted by this new bill because their businesses will be reduced significantly.  Furthermore, the new bill will also reduce China's demand for USD.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Thai Beverage - Stock calls


Talkmed - Stock calls


Suntec Reit - Stock calls


Stock calls for 2 December 2020


Dr Fauci: Another 60,000 Americans will die by Christmas from Covid.

Dr. Fauci said that another 60K Americans would die by Christmas from covid.

The US situation is very dire but the stubborn Americans still don't heed his advice.

This coming X'mas will be a dark X'mas for the US.

Australia soldiers killed innocent people in Afghanistan! - Part 3

Let me set the record straight. The brutal and merciless killings of Afghans by the Aussie soldiers had already been reported in the UK in early 2019. What did the Aussie do? They used innocent Afghans for target practices and also slit the throat of a 14-year old.

The UK government knew about the Aussie's atrocity a long time ago but chose to keep its silence and condone the heinous criminal war crime. Fortunately, a righteous lawyer tried to make this known and suffered an injustice. Where were all the human rights groups? However, the world didn't take note of this until a Chinese artist created a digital artwork and this was tweeted by a Chinese government official. The world reacted because it was China who created the uproar but everyone should focus on the atrocity committed by the Aussie instead. Let's not lose our focus and make sure that the Aussie doesn't commit such a war crime again.

Looking at this from a positive light, the world is paying attention to what China is saying nowadays. Therefore, if someone wants to send a message to the world, he/she has to go through China. Hahaha!

The US CDC has spoken the truth about Covid after Trump lost his presidential election.

The US CDC has spoken the truth after Trump's presidential loss.

The US CDC confirmed that the covid virus was present in the US prior to the Wuhan outbreak.

We had already stated this in our numerous postings.