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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

It's official now! Government tax credit is not considered a state subsidy under WTO.

Many countries will use the tax credit to boost its competitiveness now as WTO doesn't consider tax credit as a state subsidy.

WTO has set the precedent for all to follow.  Good job!

Singapore stock calls for 5 September 2017

Our envision for the future is going to be materialized.

More countries are considering an universal basic income in their societal structures for the foreseeable future because of displaced workers.

Our Envision:

We did mention in our article that people would receive state assistance for subsistence in the new world and this universal basic income system is akin to the state assistance for subsistence.

This upcoming industrial revolution will destroy more jobs than it creates.  Therefore, displaced workers will no longer be able to find jobs in this new world.

Are we prepared for this new societal development in Singapore?

India economic growth is declining tremendously.

India GDP declined from 9% in 2016 to 5.7% in 2nd quarter of 2017.  The fall is too fast and too furious which denotes a burgeoning economic problem in India.  If this economic decline is not addressed, India will face a big social problem because its people will revolt.

Indians are known to protest violently.  Just look at Singapore little India riot which was on a small scale.

No wonder India didn't dare to start a war with China and needed to attend BRICS summit because it needed BRICS badly for its economic growth.

Singapore stock calls for 4 September 2017

Monday, September 4, 2017

USA wants to use FTA to force South Korea to do its bidding.

The USA wants to use the FTA to force South Korea to install the other 4 sets of THAAD and also continue the military drills with USA against NK.

Sigh! SK is powerless against the USA.

Oil embargo against North Korea will force NK to go to war!

Where is the UN human rights council?

An oil embargo for NK will make north koreans suffer tremendously but the UN human rights council is keeping mum.  More sanctions will only make the north koreans suffer but not the government.

What's your take on this, UN human rights council?

EU and Turkey are falling apart.

If Germany succeeds in kicking out Turkey from EU, then Turkey may get kicked out of NATO too because Turkey will forge closer economic relationships with Russia.  When Turkey has a cozier relationship with Russia, NATO will feel edgy.

Thai-Sino relationship is better than Singapore-Sino's.

Singapore always wants to extol the strong Singapore-Sino relationship but the real truth is Thailand got invited to the BRICS summit.  Thailand is not part of BRICS but is the only ASEAN country to get invited to attend BRICS.

Being able to attend BRICS means there'll be an abundance of business and trade opportunities to harness with the 2 largest population countries.  Therefore, attending the BRICS summit is better than attending the G20 summit as an observer.

Singapore! Wake up please!

China doing its part for a greener environment.

Hydrogen fuel cells bus!  Hydrogen is a clean energy source and China is using wind power to produce hydrogen.  This is truly a green eco-system and I hope that this development will be applied to the whole world.

Let's stop using diesel bus!

North Korea has conducted a nuclear test on Sunday!

This nuclear test is a retaliation against the latest USA sanction.  NK had previously stated clearly that it would retaliate and it did with a nuclear test.

A nuclear test is a breach of the red line drafted by the USA especially Trump.  This nuclear test is to challenge Trump on his previous conviction to attack NK if a nuclear test was conducted.

If Trump doesn't keep to his word to attack NK for the nuclear test, then the USA will lose its credibility and it will be difficult to trust the USA on its future endeavours.

China and Russia had stated that the new sanctions would escalate the tension.  Indeed, it really happened with a nuclear test.

North Korea won't give up its nuclear program because it doesn't trust the USA due to USA bad records of reneging on its promises.  NK has learnt a great deal from the historical events in the middle east.  The USA would only attack countries who gave up on nuclear programs or without nuclear weapons.

Let's see how Trump will respond to this latest nuclear test.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Diplomatic fight between Russia & USA.

Russia will retaliate with its might against the forced closure of its consulate in San Francisco.

The USA is creating troubles everywhere.....Middle East, Russia, Korea, South China Sea, etc.

Baltic dry index - 1183

Today, Friday, September 01 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 1 point, reaching 1183 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean

US rig count - 943

HOUSTON — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by three this week to 943.
A year ago, just 497 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 759 rigs sought oil and 183 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, New Mexico added three rigs. Alaska gained two and Pennsylvania one.
Texas and Wyoming each lost a rig.
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Louisiana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah and West Virginia were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco

Friday, September 1, 2017

China and Russia have stated that new sanctions against North Korea will only escalate the tension.

A Korean peninsula war will break out if the tension continues to rise and more sanctions will not help to solve the problems.

Asia will suffer tremendously if we allow this war to break out and the USA will suffer the least as it is so far away.  The direct victims will be South Korea and Japan and indirect victims will be China & Russia.

I hope Singapore won't support the USA in this case.

OMG! 1,000km/hr is not fast enough for China. China wants to develop a supersonic transportation.

What is considered fast enough for China transportation need? 1,000km/hr? Nope, a hyperloop train is not fast enough.  China wants to travel at 4,000km/hr!

I'm really green with envy looking at China's developments.  Singapore will become a low-technology country when compared to China in the future because we only have HSR that is travelling at around 300km/hr.

Europe will start its QE tapering in October and shut down QE by 2018.

No more cheap money soon!

Let's see when the USA will start its own QE tapering.

Japan is trying to start the korean peninsula war. Why?

Japan should realize that NK would attack its neighbours for the oil embargo because Japan also attacked other countries during WW2 for oil.  NK will definitely attack SK and Japan for the oil embargo because of survival.  The oil embargo will leave NK with no choice but to start the war first.

UN has to consider this carefully and I hope that Russia and China will veto Japan's proposition for the sake of peace.

Top honchos are leaving Noble Group.

When top honchos are leaving Noble Group, this kind of departure means that Noble is becoming unsustainable and they don't want to be part of the company's failure in the future.  These top honchos just wanna protect their own reputations.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

India fines Li Ka-Shing USD$5b!

India is not only a liar but also a money grabber.  It is trying to tax CK Hutchison USD$5b.

India doesn't have enough coffer for its own economic developments and military spending, so it is laying its hands on foreign businesses.