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Monday, September 4, 2017

North Korea has conducted a nuclear test on Sunday!

This nuclear test is a retaliation against the latest USA sanction.  NK had previously stated clearly that it would retaliate and it did with a nuclear test.

A nuclear test is a breach of the red line drafted by the USA especially Trump.  This nuclear test is to challenge Trump on his previous conviction to attack NK if a nuclear test was conducted.

If Trump doesn't keep to his word to attack NK for the nuclear test, then the USA will lose its credibility and it will be difficult to trust the USA on its future endeavours.

China and Russia had stated that the new sanctions would escalate the tension.  Indeed, it really happened with a nuclear test.

North Korea won't give up its nuclear program because it doesn't trust the USA due to USA bad records of reneging on its promises.  NK has learnt a great deal from the historical events in the middle east.  The USA would only attack countries who gave up on nuclear programs or without nuclear weapons.

Let's see how Trump will respond to this latest nuclear test.


Eric Ho said...

Singapore cannot keep its mouth shut anymore!

This nuclear test is obviously a retaliation against the USA sanctions. However, SG is not mentioning the USA sanctions at all.

NK will go to war if there is an oil embargo because it becomes a survival issue for NK. Anyway, SG didn't support the banning of nuclear weapon. Therefore, we shouldn't make any noise now.

Eric Ho said...

More military drills and sanctions against North Korea will only force NK to go to war.

Asia, do you really want a war in Asia? Do you want to be like the Middle East?