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Thursday, March 1, 2018

China seized control of Anbang Insurance for political reason.

The chairman of Anbang Insurance was Wu XiaoHui.  This man is very well politically connected because he is the grandson-in-law of Deng XiaoPing.  The major shareholders of Anbang are also politically connected and involved Jiang MianHeng (Son of Jiang Zeming), Zhou YongKang (Jiang's henchman), Zhu Rongji's henchman, etc.

Basically, Jiang Zeming had tremendous power over Anbang and Anbang embarked on aggressive international acquisitions under the instructions of Jiang so that Anbang could be used to disrupt China's economy in the future.  Please read our previous postings to get an understanding on Jiang's plan to disrupt China's economy.


Eric Ho said...

Life is hard for President Xi because he has to deal with Jiang and his cronies in China. Simultaneously, President Xi has to deal with USA & its allies because USA wants to contain China.

Eric Ho said...