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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The southern hemisphere must brace for a possible major covid outbreak from June to August 2020. Why? - Part 2

The US CDC director warns about the 2nd wave of coronavirus in its next winter which could be more serious.

Coincidentally, we've warned about the possible major outbreak for the southern hemisphere in the winter season just before the US CDC's warning.

The northern hemisphere winter season is from Dec to Feb.  Correspondingly, China is in the northern hemisphere and Wuhan's outbreak started in Dec 2019 which was also during the winter season.

Since this virus is most active during the winter season, it is highly likely that the southern hemisphere will be having a major outbreak in the winter season which is from June to August.

The next question will be which country will be the most susceptible?  My guess will be South Africa because it is in the southern hemisphere and its medical supplies and facilities are very limited.

Therefore, the world must continue the lockdowns during the winter season or else the world will face a severe second wave of the covid-19.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not so worried about southern hemisphere, since the economic impacts are not so great. Maybe commodities since a lot of the hard stuff comes from countries down below e.g. South America, Oz, Africa. But then will be good since not much demand anyway as the richer northern hemisphere tries to rebuild their economy.

Only thing is gold may have more shortage if the more mines close. Good that I've built a 20% allocation to gold as chaos insurance over the past 10 years. I urge everyone to have a meaningful % of their networth in gold. You may think US$1,700/oz is expensive, but going 2X higher in the next 2 years is easy peasy. I'm expecting 3X-5X over the next 5 years.

Anyway I'll happily buy more stocks when there's a double dip & if markets go below the March lows. In the meantime just observing & taking it easy.