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Sunday, April 19, 2020

The US is trying to smear China again after Cambridge linked the virus to the US.

The US is embarking on a smearing campaign again after Cambridge linked the virus to the US.

Fortunately, France came out to speak for China.

There was another report published by Canada that linked the virus to the US.

It is unfortunate that the US is using media news instead of scientific facts to determine the origin of covid-19.

What is the world becoming into when we believe in false media news instead of scientific research?  Is Cambridge University research fake?

A scientific research is a research that can yield the same outcome when it is done repeatedly.  This means that when other researchers use the same research method, they can get the same outcome on the origin of covid-19, which is from the US.

A commercial BLS-4 (P4) lab must be registered with the UN and the Wuhan P4 lab is registered with the UN.  The Wuhan P4 lab is open to local and foreign scientists and is not a classified lab. 

Bio-Chem warfare research is done in a highly classified military P4 Lab and not in a commercial lab.  The military P4 lab is usually located in a remote region and away from the crowds so that it can work in secrecy and is not registered with the UN due to national security reasons.

This Wuhan P4 Lab is located in a major city for public accessibility and its main work is in diagnoses.  Therefore, the Wuhan P4 Lab is not the source for covid-19.

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