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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The devious US is trying to poison all Asians now!

The US has managed to force Taiwan to accept a poisonous chemical, Ractopamine, in the US meat products in exchange for BTA or FTA.  Taiwan has reversed its previous stance already.

This is not just happening to Taiwan.

Japan, acting in US interest, is pushing the CPTPP to ASEAN which also contains the condition to accept Ractopamine.  Fortunately, some countries still object to this and refuse to be signatories to the CPTPP.  For example, Thailand has been objecting to this harmful chemical but may succumb to the trade threats especially during the COVID outbreak period.  It is very sad that Singapore is willing to accept Ractopamine and shove it down our throats.

This Ractopamine affects Asians more because we eat visceral organs which will contain a much higher dosage of the chemical.

Currently, there is a US petition to ban Ractopamine in animal feeds because of animal, human, and environmental safety concerns.  The US knows how harmful this chemical is to animals, humans, and our environment but the US still wants to export these chemical-laced products to Asia.

In a nutshell, Ractopamine is harmful to people with hypertension and heart diseases.  Furthermore, prolonged use will cause infertility.  Therefore, I've not been eating US pork and beef for many years already.


Eric Ho said...,of%20bilateral%20free%20trade%20agreements.

SG signed the CPTPP in 2018.

cbd said...

How can govt harm their own people hor

Eric Ho said...

Japan is also pushing Taiwan and ASEAN to eat its contaminated food.

I have also been avoiding Jap foods until now.