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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The devious US is trying to poison all Asians now! - Part 2

I was asked to provide more information about Ractopamine.  Here it goes.

The codex standard was set up based on research with just 6 samples size and 1 person dropped out half-way because his heart was acting abnormally after consuming ractopamine.

The pigs which consumed ractopamine displayed aggressive behaviour and attacked other pigs, and some pigs couldn't even walk properly.

Basically, ractopamine will cause abnormal heartbeats such as irregular beating and fast pounding.  Furthermore, long-term consumption will cause infertility too.  If you want to remail sterile, this might be a good option for you.  Heehee!

Therefore, please don't be alarmed when our youngsters drop dead in the future while doing strenuous exercises such as running.

The codex standard is 10ppb or 0.01ppm (established by 26 countries but more than 160 banned it).

Previously, there was no MRL set for ractopamine in pigs in SG.  However, our government had set an MRL for the liver after April 2020.

If you want to know which countries allow ractopamine in ASEAN, just look at the CPTPP members.  All CPTPP members including SG must allow ractopamine in their countries because this is a prerequisite of CPTPP.

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

It is very sad that food safety is not a health issue but a political issue in this world.