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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Japan should stop its illegal occupation of Diaoyu islands.

The truth is already out and Japan should stop whitewashing the history.  Oxford's library archives and China's own documentations already prove that China is the true owner of Diaoyu islands.  Therefore, Japan should stop its illegal occupation of Diaoyu islands.

Russia is right to veto the UN resolution against Syria.

There is no concrete proof that Syria government is the mastermind behind the chemical attack.  The accusation is solely based on USA intelligence.  UN is not under the control of any country and must be impartial on its own or risk losing credibility.

Singapore stock calls for 13 April 2017

Singapore didn't do well in the first quarter.

Despite all the bullish economic growth forecasts by economists, Singapore didn't do well in the first quarter by declining 1.9% on annualized basis.

Our retail figures also didn't do well either.

Big insects found crawling on mars!

Wow! Curiosity rover drilling forced insects to crawl out from underground.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 12 April 2017

Rickmers Maritime to close down!

We had stated in March that Rickmers Maritime would have great difficulty to restructure its debts.  Therefore, it's not surprising that Rickmers Maritime will close down.

Shame on you, UK!

UK really got the cheek to ask for sanctions against Russia & Syria when it was UK who exported nerve gas chemicals to Syria.

How to believe UK that none of the chemicals was exported?  If there's no intention to export the chemicals, why allowed such an export in the first place?

OMG! UN is conducting a prejudiced chemical attack investigation.

Logically speaking, Assad won't be using any chemical weapon because he is winning the battles in Syria and Putin also won't approve it.

UN should investigate the site as chemical remnants will definitely be found on the ground which would be different from a chemical airstrike.  UN should investigate the site, Assad & rebels to find out the truth.

Russia has intelligence that rebel fighters use chemical weapons to frame Assad.

Russia definitely has better and accurate intelligence than USA.  It will just take UN only a few days to find out the truth behind the chemical attack in Syria.  Let's see how this will pan out.

United Airlines CEO lied about the mishandling of its male passenger.

The airport police used excessive force on a male passenger who refused to disembark the plane as he had to perform surgery for his patient the next day.  He was randomly selected by computer to disembark because United Airlines wanted to put 4 staffs on board a fully booked airplane.  Airport police were called in to forcefully remove the male passenger and the male passenger was injured by the airport police with a bloody face.  The airport police lied about the male passenger being aggressive and belligerent and the injury was due to a fall which turned out to be caused by the airport police when videos started to surface.  Thereafter, the airport policeman was suspended.

United Airlines CEO defended the removal of the male passenger forcefully.  Why the hell must a paying customer sacrificed his ticket for non-paying staffs?  This is not putting customer interest as a priority for this airlines.

People are calling for a boycott of this Airlines.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 11 April 2017

Recession risk is high despite all the bullish economic growth forecasts.

Higher interest rates, higher inflations and geopolitical situations are the factors contributing to recession risks.

AFP is creating fake news!

If you look at USA statistics, USA police killed or executed more people on the streets than the country did.  When more people are killed on the streets by police, there will be fewer people for the country to execute.

The police killed 963 people in USA in 2016 while the country only executed 20.

US is creating false intelligence again!

USA accused Russian of inaction which led to Syria chemical attack.  The truth was it was UK which sold nerve gas chemicals to Syria that enabled the chemical attack.

UK doesn't need to ship its goods through ASEAN anymore.

UK can transport its good to China on railway instead of sea routes.  Shipments through ASEAN will definitely drop and Singapore will suffer too.

China is adamant not to ship its oil through Singapore.

China is putting its best effort to construct the oil pipes from Myanmar to China so that its oil won't go through Singapore.

Sigh!  China is really wary of Singapore.

Will Russia & USA fight it out in Syria?

If USA & UK continue military strikes against Syria, there'll be a war between Russia & USA.  Syria will be in devastation when 2 foreign countries fight it out in Syria.

There are more vocal dissentients now because USA attacked Syria without full investigation & also without UN knowledge.  Furthermore, USA airstrike was not a self-defence attack.

Russia will intensify its support for Syria because of USA airstrike.  Let's see how this will pan out.

Singapore stock calls for 10 April 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017

US & UK are in cahoots to destroy Syria.

US & UK are accusing Syria of the chemical attack and Russia & China for condoning Syria.  This is exactly the same move for Iraq, accusing Iraq of WMDs but cannot find anything till now.

US knew that UK sold nerve gas chemicals to Syria but didn't say a single word. Why? Why? Why?

US strike forces are sailing to Korean peninsula from Singapore.

I hope North Korea won't target its middle range missiles at Singapore because we know Kim is a crazy man.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

UK supported US airstrikes against Syria was a big joke! Why?

UK allowed export of nerve gas chemicals to Syria in 2013.  So where did Syria get the chemicals?

This is what we called "A thief calling another person a thief"!  Shame on you, UK!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Is USA missiles attack on Syria illegal?

Based on International laws, USA had no right to attack Syria because it didn't seek UN approval and the attack was not based on self-defence.

You can only attack another country on self-defence basis or you've UN mandate.  However, USA didn't have these conditions to back it up.

Time to dismantle UN?

It seems that big and powerful nation can do whatever it thinks is right without any UN mandate.  Might is the new rule now.  Therefore, the time has come to dismantle UN and stop paying to be UN member.

Baltic dry index - 1223

Today, Friday, April 07 2017, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 8 points, reaching 1223 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Cosco, Sembcorp Marine & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 839

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 15 this week to 839.
A year ago, 443 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 672 rigs sought oil and 165 explored for natural gas this week. Two were listed as miscellaneous.
Texas increased by seven rigs, Oklahoma gained four, Wyoming rose by two and Louisiana, New Mexico and West Virginia each gained one.
Alaska lost one rig.
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Utah were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out last May at 404.
Related stocks: Keppe Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco

Russia has called for UN security meeting after US missiles attack on Syria.

Hopefully, UN will investigate the real culprits behind the chemical attack.  If the investigation shows that the rebels are the ones possessing the chemicals, then USA missiles attacks are totally baseless and illegal.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Russian explanation for the chemical attack in Syria.

This is an exact opposite of USA's accusation of the ruling government which used chemical attack on innocents.

Singapore stock calls for 7 April 2017

US air strike in Syria!

USA unilaterally conducted an air strike against in Syria without confirmation that the ruling government carried out the chemical attack.

This is a shoot first, ask later motion which must not be encouraged.  Will USA fabricate intelligence again to support its hidden agenda?

Thursday, April 6, 2017

New Arctic shipping route!

This new Arctic shipping route is about 12-15 days shorter than the current shipping route which passes through Singapore.

Singapore port is losing its strategic importance because the new Arctic shipping route will be shorter and faster.  Ships going to Europe will use Arctic route instead of Asean route.

Wikileaks revealed sinister USA's plan to fabricate intelligence to frame others.

Wikileaks revealed that CIA could create false intelligence to set up or frame others.  This is not uncommon as CIA did that to Iraq by creating false intelligence of WMDs in Iraq but couldn't find any after Iraq invasion.

China had revealed an alien base on the moon last year.

We can see a massive man-made structure on the moon from the video.

Singapore stock calls for 6 April 2017

US will take action against syria if UN doesn't.

If we allow any country to attack another country without UN endorsement, we will be changing the rule of engagement which is might is the new rule.

We're a strong proponent of the rules-based system.  If we don't stop any unilateral action by any country, we're supporting the notion that MIGHT IS THE RULE.  In other words, if you are a super power country, you can basically do anything.

Another land banking scheme exposed!

When a deal seems too good to be true, it is usually too good to be true.  Gold investment, Diamond (Jewel) and Land banking schemes are just too good to be true.

UFO spotted in Spain sky!

UFOs have nowhere to hide with the proliferations of mobile devices. Heehee!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 5 April 2017

Another oil & gas company in trouble - RH Petrogas
When the water rises, all boats rise.  When the water subsides, we'll know who's naked.  Heehee!

North Korea is still as defiant as ever.

China-USA summit will take place on April 6-7 2017 and this summit will mostly be discussing how to handle North Korea.  China & USA will decide the fate of NK and whether there'll be a war against NK.  A war against NK will affect South Korea the most, followed by Japan & China.

NK's mobile rocket launchers (more than 10,000) can hit Seoul which has about 25m citizens and NK will use its long-range missiles to attack USA military bases in Japan.  China will have to deal with millions of war refugees at its borders and may have to take control of NK for the time being before the installation of new NK government.  The repercussions are huge and far reaching when a war happens.

East China Sea tension.

USA planted this seed of conflict after WW2 knowing that Diaoyu islands belonged to China but gave the administrative right to Japan.  However, the sovereignty was not given to Japan.  Oxford's library archives show that Diaoyu islands belong to China.  China also has its own documentations to proof that it is the real owner of Diaoyu islands.

There'll be no peace with USA presence in the region.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 4 April 2017

Will WTO give China market economy status?

Will WTO give China market economy status after Trump's insistence to ignore WTO ruling?  What will happen if WTO also loses China's support when China is not given the market economy status it deserves?  Where will WTO stand if it doesn't honour its words?

Will WTO be relegated to a secondary organisation in the future?  This is a possibility as China & USA begin to foster better relationship in April 2017.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Zombies captured by Russian military helicopter.

Russian military helicopter captured zombies attack in 2007 and Russian government had to explain the zombies' attack.  There were a few versions for this video explanation including video game scenes, radiation infected persons, etc.  China media news also did a feature news for this video.

High interest rate environment is coming! - Part 3

EU is warning about higher interest rates now!

However, we've been warning about higher interest rates much earlier.

Singapore stock calls for 3 April 2017

How is canning done in Singapore?

This is how canning is done in Singapore if you've committed a felony.

Do your crime and you pay for it!

USA and China are fostering better relationship.

USA and China are fostering better relationship without involving middleman like SG.  When the 2 titans can talk to each other directly, SG has no strategic role to play anymore except to be used as a pawn for whipping when these 2 titans squabble.

Another China-Europe rail freight has started.

Another rail freight route has started from China to Budapest by bypassing Asean sea route.  China is progressing ahead while we are regressing.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Does it pay to keep fit?

Just look at the video and see it for yourself.

FED is expected to reduce its massive treasuries holdings in 2017 - Part 2

Interest rates will continue to rise in 2017 & 2018 because of inflation and also dumping of US treasuries.  Companies which leverage on debts for growth will be badly affected by rising interest rates.  One such company is Amazon.

Baltic dry index - 1297

Today, Friday, March 31 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 27 points, reaching 1297 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Cosco, Sembcorp Marine & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 824

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 15 this week to 824.
A year ago, 450 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 662 rigs sought oil and 160 explored for natural gas this week. Two were listed as miscellaneous.
Texas increased by seven rigs and Louisiana added six. Alaska rose by three while New Mexico gained two.
Colorado declined by two. North Dakota and Utah were off one each.
Arkansas, California, Kansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wyoming were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out last May at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine, Cosco.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Germany VS USA in world trade.

It is useless for Germany to file a complaint against USA in WTO because Trump had said it would ignore WTO ruling.  There is pretty much nothing to be done.  If Germany antagonizes USA too much, USA will demand more money from NATO or even pull out of NATO.

Germany can only sit in a corner to suck its own thumb.

Singapore stock calls for 31 March 2017

Wilmar has lost its prerogative to sell sugar processed by its mills

Wilmar can no longer force farmers to let it sells sugar after processing the sugar in its mills.  This is a business setback for Wilmar because farmers can sell the sugar themselves.  Wilmar will definitely lose some businesses after processing the sugar.

Massive UFO in Gulf sighted.

This time is Underwater Flying Object (UFO).  Heehee!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Baltic dry index - 1240

Today, Friday, March 24 2017, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 44 points, reaching 1240 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related Stocks: Cosco, Sembcorp Marine.

US rig count - 809

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 20 this week to 809.
A year ago, 464 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 652 rigs sought oil and 155 explored for natural gas this week. Two were listed as miscellaneous.
Texas increased by eight rigs and Oklahoma added seven. New Mexico rose by three while Alaska, California, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and West Virginia gained one each.
Louisiana declined by two and Wyoming by one.
Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Ohio, and Utah were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out last May at 404.
Related Stocks: Keppe Corp, Sembcorp Marine, Cosco.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 24 March 2017

Japan is trying to stir troubles in South China Sea.

Japan will regret this military move because it will give China the legitimate reason to send its aircraft carrier to Japan's sea.

Oxford's archives reveal Diaoyu islands belong to China.

Historical texts from Oxford's Bodleian Library show Diaoyu islands belong to China.

Japan! Please stop lying to the world anymore when China can prove that it is the real owner from its own documentations and also from Oxford's archives.

China is advancing in artificial intelligence technology.

China is focusing on AI technology because it has wide applications in quantitive finance, complementary medicine, self-driving, etc.  China manages to win the AI tournament in such a short span of development denotes its rapid advancement in this industry.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 22 March 2017

First Ship Lease Trust is in trouble too.

FSLT's auditor has raised financial concerns because liability has exceeded current assets by about USD$180m.

We've been warning about shipping trusts.  Please read our previous posts to understand more about shipping trust.

Triyards falls about 20% today!

Triyards is also affected by Ezra's bankruptcy.  We raised this concern in our previous posting.

What could WTO do for South Korea?

SK had filed a complaint about China in WTO but could WTO do anything for SK?

WTO back-stabbed China by not granting market economy status automatically to China but China still supported WTO when USA stated it would ignore any WTO ruling.

WTO would be a useless organization if China also declared overtly that WTO had no jurisdiction.  USA and China are trying to establish a cordial relationship in April 2017 when the 2 countries meet in USA.  They will charter how the relationship will be for the next 50 years which will be of paramount importance for the world.

If WTO rules against China, China may retaliate by standing behind USA to ignore WTO ruling.  This will definitely make WTO look bad.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Rickmers will have a hard time to restructure its loans.

Brilliant analysts will know that the shipping industry cannot withstand economic downturns.  Many shippers will renege on its long-term chartering contracts with shipping trusts during economic downturns because many shippers cannot survive the downturns and have to downsize.  Shipping trusts can't do anything or sue their customers because their customers won't use shipping reits anymore if they get sued.

When shipping trusts are losing customers and ship values are declining simultaneously, banks will demand the shipping trusts to top up the difference in ship values or recall the ship loans.  Therefore, it's very difficult for the shipping trusts to restructure their loans unless creditors are willing to take heavy writedowns.

Emas Offshore gives bankruptcy warning!
Ezra owns about 75% of Emas and Emas is affected by Ezra's bankruptcy.  Let's see Triyards will declare the same concern or not as Ezra owns about 61%.

Singapore stock calls for 21 March 2017

What happened to Nam Cheong today?

Nam Cheong tanked about 33% earlier in the day because of financial concerns raised by its auditor.

Let's look at Nam Cheong stock calls.

There is not a single BUY call for Nam Cheong except from Amfraser in the past.  Therefore, there is no real reason to buy Nam Cheong and retail investors would have avoided this company and suffer no real losses.  Avoid oil & gas companies because their customers cannot withstand economic downturns based on qualitative analysis.

What led to Ezra's bankruptcy in USA?

2 ship owners cancelled chartering agreements with Ezra and Ezra's invoices were piling up fast.  The shipping industry is a precarious environment and many shippers cannot withstand recessions or economic downturns.  However, this is often not highlighted by analysts in their qualitative section of their research reports.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Stock calls for Ezra.

Lim & Tan had warned about Ezra in Oct 2016 by giving an AVOID call, CIMB gave a REDUCE call in June 2016 and UOB gave a SELL call as early as August 2016.  Therefore, investors would have avoided Ezra as early as June 2016 without suffering from this mayhem (Bankruptcy).

Singapore stock calls for 20 March 2017

DBS economists are so optimistic about Singapore GDP growth in 2017.

Let's hope DBS economists don't make the same mistake as their CEO regarding swiber and ezra.

Ezra's subsidiaries file for bankruptcy.

It's not unexpected as Oil & Gas industry is in a doldrum.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Crude oil spa is the latest fashion now!

Crude oil spa has tremendous health benefits.  It will expedite wound healing and can cure skin diseases like eczema, sclerosis etc.  It is known to be able to cure more than 70 diseases.

Germany may file WTO suit against USA but it's just a wishful thinking.

Trump had already said he would ignore WTO ruling and Germany couldn't do anything about it unless Germany wanted to start a trade war with USA.  If Germany makes Trump too furious, Trump will no longer support NATO and other EU members will blame Germany for USA withdrawal from NATO.  The ensuing outcome will be Germany will have to swallow this border tax thing and suck its thumb in a corner.

Baltic dry index - 1196

Today, Friday, March 17 2017, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 24 points, reaching 1196 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Cosco & Sembcorp Marine.

US rig count - 789

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 21 this week to 789.
A year ago, 476 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 631 rigs sought oil and 157 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Oklahoma increased by 10 rigs, North Dakota added five, Texas gained four, Colorado and Utah were each up two, and Alaska gained one.
Wyoming lost two. Louisiana and New Mexico dropped one each.
Arkansas, California, Kansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out last May at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

How rude can Trump be on media?

He's so selfish because he's so unwilling to give a handshake.

Friday, March 17, 2017

South Korea is so ignorant about THAAD.

Military experts know that THAAD is useless against NK because NK will use mobile rockets launchers against SK as NK has more than 10,000 such launchers.  THAAD is useless against rockets launchers.  NK's rockets launchers can target Seoul because of the close proximity.

Singapore stock calls for 17 March 2017

Singapore non-oil domestic exports surge significantly.

Singapore is doing well because of China as China is our biggest export destination.  February is an exceptional month because of CNY exports to Chinese countries like Taiwan and China.  This is just an aberration which will not be repeated after February.  This CNY export was definitely better than last year's CNY as there's burgeoning growth in the Chinese middle class.  China is changing its economy structurally into a consuming nation.

We have to be wary of our dependent on China as SK's lesson is what we will encounter in the future when we offend China.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Corruption is still rampant in KLIA. Taiwanese girl was detained wrongfully.

This incident is widely reported on Taiwan news channels and China.

How could a Taiwanese girl be detained for 35 hours for no offence?  To detain someone for 35 hours is no small matter and require a high ranking officer to approve such detention.  Malaysia should just refuse entry and close the case if this to be handled properly.  However, the Malaysian custom officer saw this as an opportunity to demand money from the traveller.

Malaysia Boleh!

Japan navy carrier is sailing to Singapore.

Singapore has angered China that China commercial ships have stopped coming to our port.  Instead of welcoming commercial vessels, SG is welcoming military vessel instead which doesn't contribute economically to SG.

Sigh! What is our government doing!  Japan invaded and attacked SG before and we're welcoming its naval vessel to SG.

Singapore stock calls for 16 March 2017

China raises money market rates after FED move.

What does this mean in the real economic term?

This action means China is draining cheap money out of the monetary system and replacing it with more expensive money.

This will help to curtail excessive spending and investment but also increase inflation.

Empty shopping malls are springing up in USA! The real economy is not doing well.

The real economy in USA is not doing as well as projected on wall street.  QE only helps to propel wall street but not main street.  Empty shopping malls have started to spring up in USA which depicts the real economic situation. Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) have also started to default significantly and commercial reits' prices have fallen.  Mortgage-backed Securities (MBS) are worse than 2008 (lehman bros' collapse) now and will explode anytime in USA.  If China investors pull out of USA commercial properties, it will have a huge ripple effect that will cripple USA economy.  This recession will be worse than in 2008.