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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

We cannot let Japan get away with this!

The comfort women were forced to be sex slaves and there's not a single drop of doubt about it.  We cannot let Japan whitewash this inhumane historical war event.

We must not be like our PM Lee who didn't understand WW2 history well enough and asked Japan to stop apologizing.

Singapore stock calls for 11 July 2017

Facial recognition system installed in a toilet.

Facial recognition system has widespread applications!

Can you believe it? China installs facial recognition for the toilet.

Alibaba is launching its automatic retail shop soon.

China has really advanced a lot over time.

Who would have thought that China would be so technologically advanced!

Singapore doesn't even have this yet.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

OMG! Singapore didn't support banning of nuclear weapons!

OMG! Singapore abstained from voting for this nuclear weapons ban treaty! Why?

Did the USA pressure Singapore from voting? Or Singapore supports nuclear weapons?

More sanctions on North Korea won't work.

Let's face it and take a time out to re-examine all the sanctions imposed on NK.

Ever since sanctions were imposed on NK, NK's nuclear and missile technologies were advancing year after year regardless of the sanctions.

Therefore, it's pretty obvious that sanctions don't work at all because China and Russia will continue to support NK and Kim knows it better than the USA.

Therefore, USA has to work cordially with China and Russia to resolve the NK's issues.

Civilian death tolls are increasing in Iraq and Syria but UN doesn't care.

Only western lives are highly valued by the world and other lives are not especially those middle eastern lives.  Nobody will care about innocent lives lost in Iraq and Syria because UN allowed these innocent lives be killed by unilateral actions from the USA.

Baltic dry index - 822

Today, Friday, July 07 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 7 points, reaching 822 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean

US rig count - 952

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 12 this week to 952.
A year ago, just 440 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 763 rigs sought oil and 189 explored for natural gas this week.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Oklahoma and Alaska each gained four rigs. Louisiana and Texas were up two apiece.
New Mexico and Utah each declined by one.
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wyoming were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco

Friday, July 7, 2017

Indonesian man can lay eggs!

Did he insert something inside his anus or what?

If those are white faeces, he has a serious medical condition which is a lack of bile in his digestive system.

USA is trying to pressurize China to whip North Korea but in a wrong way.

The USA is trying to force China to whip North Korea with this flyover but it will not succeed because China will retaliate in another way.

The political tactic now is to create stinging issue against your opponent and use it for negotiation.  Both countries know this and will create troubles for each other.

Russia and China have stopped the USA motion in UN already.  The USA has to understand that UN cannot approve any motion without Russia and China approvals.

It's official now because of high court ruling! Wee Kim Wee was our first elected president!

The high court states that Attorney General Chamber was right to declare that Wee Kim Wee was our first elected president.

This is indeed a historically changing event for Singapore as the definition of elected president has changed in Singapore context.

Singapore stock calls for 7 July 2017

US must work with China and Russia to resolve North Korea's threat.

The USA will always meet objections in UN when it doesn't work with China and Russia in resolving any issue.

UN is not a subsidiary of USA and USA cannot lead UN per se.  UN will become a useless organization when there is a non-consensus.  This is the reality for UN.

A North Korea war is not a simple affair.

If a war breaks out in North Korea due to the USA, it won't be a simple affair.  Why?

This is because the North Korea war will drag China, Russia, South Korea and Japan into it.  When there are so many countries involved in a war, it will definitely get messy and cannot be easily controlled.

NK will definitely attack SK and Japan while China and Russia will support NK for its fight against the USA.  Therefore, the USA is unlikely to attack NK without approvals from China and Russia.  Asia will be in a big chaos because of this NK war.

Do we really want a war that is in Asia?

Bermuda Triangle produced a new island in just 60 days.

This new island is created in just 60 days in Bermuda Triangle and is not pushed up from the seabed.

Scientists do not understand the formation of this new island because it has a lot of shells on it.  This is abnormal because the new island is formed in just 60 days.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

USA issues war threat against North Korea.

The USA won't attack NK unless it has permissions from China & Russia because China & Russia will support NK if a war breaks out.

NK is strategically important to China & Russia.

Singapore stock calls for 6 July 2017

Did PM Lee lie in the parliament?

Just look at this FB screenshot and decide for yourself.

Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei ling insist that PM Lee has abused his power.

Both claimed to have more pieces of evidence of PM LEE's power abuses but they won't be showing in public.

Abuse of power is a serious offence!  Any offender must be brought to justice.

North Korea's ICBM testing has the support from Russia & China.

How did North Korea get the ICBM technology?

It is Russia that transferred the ICBM technology to NK but ICBM technology alone is not enough to make it a success as GPS is needed to guide the ICBM.  Therefore, China let NK use the beidou GPS for the ICBM testing.

Why did China and Russia help NK to develop the ICBM?

I have to attribute this to the USA for forcefully installing the THAAD system in South Korea.  China and Russia are helping NK so that they will have a bargaining chip to negotiate with the USA to remove the THAAD system from SK.  This is a political tactic that I've mentioned previously in my post below.

When you don't have any bargaining chip, you have to create a stinging issue and use it to negotiate with your opponent.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 5 July 2017

PM Lee declared no abuse of power!

It is not surprising to reach this outcome due to the "ownself checks ownself" policy.  Furthermore, LHY and LWL cannot be present to refute PM Lee and present their own versions.

The Singapore drama is over and life will return to normal because Singaporeans only regard this as an entertainment.  Singaporeans don't really care much about politics nowadays.  When we don't care about our first elected president, why would we care about the Lee family squabble?

Nigeria forcefully evicted Taiwan office and Taiwan was just returning the favour.

This is what Taiwan deserved for not recognising the one-China policy and for rejoicing the US port of call.

A forced eviction is the most humiliated political incident.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A slightly different picture of the Lee family's network.

I've found a slightly different Lee family's network with Ho Peng Kee on it.

I don't know which one is correct as there's a lot of fake news out there.

PM Lee said there's no NEPOTISM but research showed otherwise.

I found this Lee family network picture online.

Maybe PM Lee should explain the relationships above.

The ulterior motive behind freedom of navigation.

This is just a political tactic for negotiation.

When you have no bargaining chip in your hand, you have to create a political issue which can sting your opponent.  Then, you can use this stinging issue for a quid pro quo negotiation in return.

The USA has been successful insofar in using this tactic because China President has raised this stinging issue with President Trump.

This is a typical USA political style and I've seen this played out many times.

Our MPs called for independent inquiry for the power abuse allegations but our PM Lee won't allow it.

PM Lee knows that more skeletons will be uncovered as his siblings will release more juicy stuff.  Therefore, he won't allow it and declare that there is no abuse of power.  End of the story.

Singapore stock calls for 4 July 2017

China's quantum radar will make USA stealth technology useless.

Stealth fighter planes will show up on quantum radar very clearly and its make and model can be established easily.

Look at the pictures below.

A bird is clearly identified on the quantum radar.

A stealth bomber is clearly identified on a quantum radar.

Lee Kuan Yew's email indicated that PM Lee had decided to declare the house as a heritage site.

This means that he will stop the executors from executing LKY's will.

Mr Goh said minister must sue or else step down!

Is he going to follow through on what he's said?

Will he ask PM Lee to step down?

What if PM Lee doesn't step down for not suing?

PM Lee made false claims about LKY's house!

LHY and LWL rebutted against LHL's false claims in parliament.

This saga will never end because LHL refuses to go to the court to settle this.  The parliament sitting doesn't allow LHY and LWL a right to speak out or cross-examined LHL.

We, the Singaporeans, are watching this like a Korean drama.

North Korea fired missile again!

Sigh! Here we go again!

NK has fired a missile today again!

NK is a poor country and yet Kim is wasting money on missile firing.  China has banned coal imports from NK already and NK will suffer economically with a major drop in coal income.

I don't know where his country is getting money for test firing its missiles when countries are banning NK imports.

Low Thia Khiang is right this time!

The best place to settle the family dispute is in the court, not in the parliament.  PM Lee doesn't want to go to the court because he is not the executor of LKY's will.  He knows the law favours the executors (LHY and LWL) over him.

Monday, July 3, 2017

PM Lee uses parliament to address allegations against him won't increase confidence in him.

Nobody can cross-examine him in the parliament as all the questions have to be forwarded to him before parliamentary sitting.

Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling also cannot be present to refute him or give their sides of the story.  Therefore, it's not a fair channel like a court proceeding.


Beware of KKKL bus tours and travel agency!

This KKKL is an irresponsible company!  Its bus driver made off with the bus and passengers' valuables but the company didn't help to locate its bus driver or compensate the passengers.

Please buy bus insurance to protect your valuables in the bus and never take KKKL bus.

Singapore stock calls for 3 July 2017

Qatar will NEVER agree to Saudi's unreasonable demands.

There's no way to agree to Saudi's unreasonable demands as Iran and Turkey helped Qatar in the face of the adversary (Saudi) during bad times.

Qatar will lose its credibility and friendship if it turns its back on Iran & Turkey and will be held as a hostage state forever by Saudi.  This is definitely not in Qatar's interest in the long run.

USA encroached on China's territory again.

What's the point of doing this except for the purpose of a public stunt?

The USA still got chased away by China's navy.  This is just like a cat and mouse chase game.  The mouse will always run away after seeing the cat.  The USA is afraid to take on the China's navy.  If the USA destroyer is really in international water, it should stay put and defend its stance.

If the USA backs off from its position, it means the USA is not in international water.

Japan PM Abe was defeated in Tokyo assembly vote.

His loss was due to his power abuse.

It will be difficult for him to push his economic and political policies in the parliament if he doesn't retain a majority support.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Skirmishes between China and Vietnam.

General Fan from China left the meeting with Vietnam because he received intelligence that Vietnam and USA were conducting oil exploration in Nansha while he's in Vietnam which was tantamount to a backstab on General Fan.

Who wouldn't be fuming?  The meeting was supposed to defuse the tension but Vietnam did exactly the opposite when General Fan arrived in Vietnam.

Both sides should adhere to the agreed codes of conduct and defuse the tension or there won't be peace in South China Sea.

Our late Lee Kuan Yew was wary of Vietnam in the past and was the first PM in the world to write to the Thailand King to warn about Vietnam.  Moreover, our late Lee Kuan Yew was also the one who encouraged the USA to contain Vietnam which resulted in the Vietnam war because Lee Kuan Yew didn't want communism to spread to South East Asia.

Baltic dry index - 901

Today, Friday, June 30 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 19 points, reaching 901 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean

US rig count - 940

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. fell by one this week to 940.
A year ago, just 431 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 756 rigs sought oil and 184 explored for natural gas this week.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Texas gained one rig. Alaska and Colorado each lost one.
Arkansas, California, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco

Will smoking ban at Orchard Road improve visitor experience?

Well, I don't know about you guys but I usually stay indoor in the mall to enjoy the air-con unless I've to walk to another mall on the street.  Therefore, there's not much improvement in the visitor experience to speak of as I don't stay long on the street.  Singapore is so hot and humid and there's no reason to stay long on the street unless I want to "roast" myself in the day.  The nightlife is also not fun at Orchard Road unless you are looking for a happy ending at Lucky Plaza or Orchard Tower.

I must say Orchard Road has lost its allure as a shopping paradise and I've not shopped at Orchard Road for a long time already.  I don't go to Orchard Road unless on a need-to basis which is usually reserved for a business appointment.

The shopping experience is not great anymore at Orchard Road because its product mix is not attractive or interesting.  I rather stay at home to browse and shop online at my own comfort time.  My shopping habit has changed and I've shopped more online nowadays.  The Orchard Business Association is looking at the wrong cause of the problem.  I know that mall retail vacancy is increasing and the Orchard Business Association is very worried but prescribing the wrong medicine for the ailment won't improve the condition at all.

The Orchard Business Association has to bear in the mind that China and Japanese tourists are smokers and they will also reduce their shopping visits to Orchard Road due to the smoking ban.

This smoking ban will definitely impact Orchard retail revenues and more retailers will move out as they cannot sustain their retail businesses due to the high rentals.  Last but not least, I'm not a smoker and I exercise regularly.  Thus, this is not a prejudiced opinion of the smoking ban for Orchard Road.

PS: If NEA is really worried about our health, it will be better to reduce carbon dioxide and PM2.5 in the air as these cause more harm to our bodies than cigarettes.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 30 June 2017

India and China are having border disputes now.

India encroached on China's border territory to stop China from infrastructure building on its own land.

To put the record straight, China FM revealed Indian troopers trespassing into China's territory.

Japan consulate is trying to whitewash the existence of comfort women.

Here we go again!

This is the reason why the world cannot forgive Japan for its atrocities in WW2.  We must insist that Japan keeps apologizing for WW2 crimes so that it can never have the opportunity to whitewash its disgraceful history.

Our PM Lee made a grave mistake by asking Japan not to apologize anymore and this had incurred the wrath of regional countries like China and South Korea because SG was also a victim in WW2.

The Japanese consulate claimed that the so-called "Comfort Women" were merely paid prostitutes because they couldn't withstand the hardships of life and therefore sold sex for money.  If our PM Lee approved Japan's rationale, then we're blaming our own Singapore women in the past for being paid prostitutes because they couldn't tolerate hardships.

South Korea has protested strongly against this Japanese diplomat.

The current South Korean President is trying to rescind the comfort women settlement pact signed by the previous President Park with the Japanese government because of japan's recalcitrant attitude towards its disgraceful WW2 crimes.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

USA is trying to stir troubles again for China.

The USA should stop playing this kind of trick.  It is a stupid political move because China knows that it won't go through as the USA cherishes diplomatic ties with China.

The USA knows that China will cut diplomatic ties with the USA if this policy is approved by the parliament or when President Trump doesn't veto it.

The anti-secession law in China doesn't allow foreign intervention in Taiwan affairs and this kind of intervention will give China the legitimate reason to take Taiwan by force.

Good luck to Taiwan since it is so eager to be the sacrificed pawn!

Hot news! Philippines president Duterte may have lung cancer!

News came out of Taiwan that Duterte may have lung cancer because Taiwanese doctor and chinese physician are engaged to treat Duterte in the Philippines.

Duterte didn't attend the national day parade and went missing for 6 days in the Philippines.  If he really has lung cancer, there'll be chaos in South China Sea again because USA will make use of this golden opportunity to manipulate and control Philippines after Duterte.

Singapore stock calls for 29 June 2017

Why did China set up a public trial and execute 13 drug lords?

A village in the city of Lufeng was a major drug manufacturing plant and the whole villagers were involved actively in the drug production.  It took 3,000 military police and 2 months of planning to storm into the village to arrest about 200 villagers.  Military police were involved because local police were bribed.

The public trial and immediate execution of 13 drug criminals were meant to send a strong signal to the other citizens in the village that drug production was a felony and anyone caught in production and selling of drugs would be executed.  This maybe a draconian tactic but it is a necessary one because high officials and the whole villagers were involved.

UN cannot do much nowadays! No money, no talk!

UN is suffering from budget cut and cannot do as much as before.  This world is really ruled by money. Heehee!

Russia warned USA about launching attack on Syria and USA backed off.

After Russia issues warning about retaliation if USA attacks Syria, USA tries to wiggle its way out of the allegation.

Russia can also say that its warning to the USA has proved to be effective in stopping USA from attacking Syria.

Hot news! Japan PM Abe has only 3 months left to live.

Japan PM Abe may be having a stage 4 lung cancer and has 3 months left.

This is definitely a good news for Asia as a scumbag like him is finally getting his bad karma.  Asia doesn't need PM like him who whitewashes Japan history and has the typical imperialistic thinking.

Japan's future is getting murky now because China has rejected Japan's interest in the OBOR initiatives.  Furthermore, USA has also expressed interest in the OBOR initiatives.  If the USA is able to join but Japan cannot, then Japan will lose out in a big way.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The UK media doesn't dare to tabulate how many people were killed in Iraq by UK.

The UK got the cheek to tabulate the death toll in UK but not in Iraq during the US-UK invasion.

Singapore stock calls for 28 June 2017

China's high speed railway train is getting better and better!

Wow! China' HSR can move at 420km/hr now! It's really amazing!

We cannot let USA get away with fabricating false intelligence again.

USA got away with fabricating false intelligence about IRAQ in possession of WMDs and attacked Iraq illegally without UN mandate.

USA is doing it again with Syria because it doesn't provide concrete proof about Syria's preparation of a chemical attack.

CNN is creating fake news now!

When a reputable news media like CNN starts to create fake news, it really destroys other less reputable news media.

China has just launched its latest destroyer, 055.

This destroyer will definitely form part of its aircraft carrier unit to defend South China Sea.

USA will find it increasingly hard to intervene in South China Sea soon.

Great job to China!

Global warming is affecting USA now!

Arizona bans flights as temperate rises to 50 degree celsius.

You can bake biscuits in your car now in USA because internal car temperature can rise to above 160 degrees.

The new trend in driving in USA.....Drive with oven gloves!

SME commercial and corporate loans.

We have just tied up with a loans broker to provide financial advisory services for SMEs.  Please feel free to email us at for a non-obligatory discussion.

* SME Micro-Loan (Maximum S$100,000)
* SME Working Capital Loan (Maximum S$300,000)
* Specialized SME Loan (USD$1m to USD$10m)
* Other commercial loans

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Another false intelligence produced by USA about Syria.

I don't know why the world can accept USA's allegation about Syria without any concrete proof?

What is this? Another Iraq in the making?

Singapore stock calls for 27 June 2017

Marina bay sands and Genting will suffer dips in VIP gambling revenues!

China tourists and gamblers are cutting down on Asia's casino trips now.

Lee Hsien Yang and his wife are in Hong Kong now.

I hope they won't seek political asylum in HK so that they can reside in HK.

WTO is going to rule on China's market economy status soon and USA is going to intervene again.

USA has warned WTO about granting China the market economy status but I don't think USA will succeed because Germany has expressed support for China to be granted the status.

Germany is a leader in EU and wants EU to comply with WTO rules or risk losing credibility for not honouring the agreement.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Noble suffered another downgrade after credit extension.

Fitch downgraded Noble after the credit extension.  This means that Fitch doesn't have confidence in Noble on-going operations.

US-China security dialogue has great significance.

This US-China security dialogue is basically a quid pro quo negotiation between these 2 countries.

Notwithstanding the agreements and deals between these 2 countries during the meeting, this meeting did send out an implied significant message.  The USA has viewed China as a formidable force that it has no choice but to engage in a discussion with China.  The USA won't waste its time for such meeting if the USA didn't view China as an equitable country.  This has been the USA mode of operandi.

Therefore, China should make full use of this opportunity to seal any agreements and deals with USA since it has bargaining power now.

Russia and Israel conducted airstrikes in Syria!

Russia fired missiles against ISIS from its destroyers and submarines.

Israel fired missiles at Syria army in a tit-for-tat retaliation.

Poor Syria! So many countries are firing missiles at Syria!

PAP is making so many assumptions about LKY's will.

The more PAP speaks out against LKY's will, the more damage it is doing to the ruling party.  PAP should just respect LKY's will.  Many PAP members talked like they had been with LKY when he signed the will and understood his thoughts.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Baltic dry index - 870

Today, Friday, June 23 2017, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 15 points, reaching 870 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 941

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. rose by eight this week to 941.
A year ago, just 421 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 758 rigs sought oil and 183 explored for natural gas this week.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Oklahoma added five rigs, North Dakota increased by three, Louisiana added two and California and Colorado were up one each.
Alaska declined by two rigs while New Mexico and Utah dropped one apiece.
Arkansas, Kansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia and Wyoming were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 23 June 2017

Aegis ballistic missile defence system is not working.

If Aegis ballistic missile defence system cannot even intercept a dummy missile, it also cannot intercept a missile that can change its trajectory just before impact.  This means that many USA destroyers armed with this system will be sitting ducks in the ocean.

Hot news! 3-fingered white mummy found in Peru!

Wow! A white mummy with 3 fingers and 3 toes!

Alien skeleton found in Peru tested to be real and non-homosapien.  It was indeed a living organism in the past.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 22 June 2017

Setting up a will is useless in Singapore.

Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling are the executors of Lee Kuan Yew's will.  The will didn't put the government as the executor.  What's the point of setting up a will when nobody can execute the will?

This is the danger of a one-party system in Singapore and we've been warning against such a system.

Proof of abuse of power by PM Lee?

PM Lee had sold his share in the house to his brother, Lee Hsien Yang, at market price.

When you don't have a share, you shouldn't have a say about the house.  Furthermore, Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling are executing his father's will.  Therefore, PM Lee should just stay out of the matter.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 21 June 2017

First robot couriers hit the road.

China has achieved many first attempts nowadays.  First Quantum satellite, first fully automated port, first robot couriers, etc.

China is really advancing at a breakneck pace in technology changes.

Australia chickened out after Russia's warning.

Australia is a coward!  Australia wants to follow behind USA's butt but is unwilling to take any risk.

No wonder our late PM Lee called Australia the white trash of Asia.

Supercomputer ranking in 2017 and China is the best.

China has secured the no.1 and 2 ranking for 2017.

No. 1 : China
No. 2 : China
No. 3: Swiss
No. 4: USA

Wow! Kudos to China technology!

AI can detect skin cancer through your smartphone camera.

This is definitely a life-saver as you don't have to go through the hassle to get a medical assessment because the AI is more accurate than a dermatologist.

AI can develop creativity now because it has learnt how to compose its own poems.

If AI continues to develop, it will be able to create, design and produce new products and services without any human input.

Humans won't be able to compete with an AI because we cannot think 24/7 while AI can.

OMG! Artificial intelligence chat bots have created a new language that a human cannot understand.

When machines can talk to each other in an alien language, humans won't be able to control machines anymore because humans cannot understand the linguistic logic.  This is very dangerous because machines will rule over humans or even destroy humans in the future.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 20 June 2017

Syria is a missiles playground.

Poor Syria!  It seems that any country can fire missiles into Syria. USA can do it! Russia can do it! Turkey can do it! Iran also can do it!

This could be a new business model for Syria.  Syria can just charge a fee any country for testing missiles in Syria.

PM Lee apologises to Singaporeans but will not disband the ministerial committee.

This is an insincere apology as he still insists on retaining the house instead of allowing his siblings to execute the will.

Will noble group's credit extension trigger a credit default swap payout?

Credit default swap is tantamount to an insurance against a default.  When there is a credit event, the buyer of CDS will get a payout from the seller.  If this credit extension to noble represents a credit event, the buyers of CDS will get payouts on the company's $5b debt.

Basically, the CDS doesn't affect the underlying shares because CDS market is largely unregulated.  If there is a default, you'll get the par value of your CDS as a buyer.  A buyer will have to pay an "insurance premium" to the seller for the CDS periodically for the risk transfer and is entitled to an "insurance payout" when there is a credit event.

USA destroyer collision was due to blatant flouting of international maritime law.

USA destroyer collided with a container ship because it flouted the international maritime law.  USA destroyer suffered heavy damages on its right side (starboard) as it collided with the left side (port) of the container ship.

Anyone with a power craft boat licence will know that one cannot approach another vessel on its left side (port).  The right side (starboard) is designated with a GREEN light and the left side (port) is designated with a RED light.  When you see that your vessel is navigating towards a RED light (port) of another vessel, you should slow down or even stop.  Any vessel has to be mindful of its starboard (right side) and monitor any vessel approaching from its right.

Obviously, USA destroyer breached this international maritime law in the name of freedom of navigation and collided with the container ship.  A normal radar will show the direction, speed and trajectory of another vessel.  Therefore, the captain will definitely know that his vessel is approaching on the starboard or port of another vessel and any activity on its own starboard.

Shame on you, USA!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 19 June 2017

Russia and USA cannot get along in Syria.

Syria bombed US-led forces and USA retaliated by shooting down Syrian fighter plane.  Putin and Syria won't let it go just like that.

It's getting harder to find peace in Syria now.

Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling are at the losing end due to the ministerial committee.

Most of the ministers on the ministerial committee are PM Lee's hardcore subordinates.  There's no way for Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling to execute the old Lee's will because the ministerial committee will block them which is the primary motive for setting the committee in the first place.

PM Lee cannot lose or else his reputation and integrity will be sacrilege. Losing to his siblings will mean PM Lee is wrong.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

China has achieved another breakthrough in quantum satellite.

This breakthrough will enable China to further develop its quantum radar with a longer range too and render stealth fighter planes like F22 or F35 useless.

Great job!