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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Singapore Nodx declined 3.1% in October 2020.

Year on year changes (YOY):

October 2020: -3.1%

September 2020: 5.9%
August 2020: 7.7%
July 2020: 6%
June 2020: 16.1% (Revised to 13.9%)
May 2020: -4.6%
April 2020: 9.7%
March 2020: 17.6%
February 2020: 3% (Revised to 3.1%)
January 2020: - 3.3%
December 2019: 2.4%
November 2019: - 5.9%
October 2019: - 12.3%
September 2019: -8.1%
August 2019: - 8.9%
July 2019: -11.2%
June 2019: -17.3%
May 2019: -15.9%
April 2019: -10%
March 2019: -11.7%
February 2019: 4.9%
January 2019: -10.1%
December 2018: -8.5%
November 2018: -2.6%
October 2018: 8.3%
September 2018: 8.3%
August 2018: 5%
July 2018: 11.8% (Corrected)
June 2018: 1.1%
May 2018: 15.5%
April 2018: 11.8%
March 2018: -2.7%
February 2018: -5.9%
January 2018: 13%
December 2017: 3.1%
November 2017: 9.1%
October 2017: 20.9%
September 2017: -1.1%
August 2017: 16.7%
July 2017: 8.5%
June 2017: 8.2%
May 2017: -1.2%
Apr 2017: -0.7%
Mar 2017: 16.5%
Feb 2017: 21.1%
Jan 2017: 8.6%

Prime US Reit - Stock calls


Penguin - Stock calls


Parkway Life - Stock calls


Stock calls for 17 November 2020

Hot news - UK PM is back in quarantine again!

The UK PM is back in quarantine again.  He is making a false claim about covid, just like Donald Trump.  I don't know why western leaders like to make false claims nowadays.

PM Boris contracted covid about 8 months ago and his immunity would have disappeared completely after so many months.  Therefore, he is likely to contract covid again since covid immunity is only temporary.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Italy found covid-19 cases in September 2019, much earlier than thought.

When a country starts to use scientific handling instead of political handling, it will discover the truth about covid.

Italy found covid cases as early as September 2019 but the Wuhan outbreak started in November.  Well, Italy didn't report this when the US accused China of creating the virus.

We had already stated that the virus origin was not in China.

PanUnited - Stock calls


PACC Offshore - Stock calls

Oxley - Stock calls


Stock calls for 16 November 2020

Why did China clamp down on Ant's IPO?

I received a request to give my opinion on the cancellation of Ant's IPO.  Here it goes!

If you understand Ant's business model and the political background of Alibaba, you would have expected China to take action against Ant.  Why?

Jiang Zemin's caucus has been trying to disrupt China's economy by using the entrepreneurs that are groomed for its own agenda and Alibaba is one of the business groups.  Jiang Zemin's grandson is on board Alibaba as one of its biggest shareholders.

Jiang Zemin is still using the same tactic of trying to leave colossal debts in the banking sector so that China's financial industry will be crumbled by the high non-performing loans.

Ant's fundamental business is its microlending business (huabei & jiabei) which provides small loans without collaterals.  Under the existing business structure, Ant only puts up 2% of its own cash and outsources 98% of cash loans to China banks without collaterals.  This puts the banking industry in an extremely vulnerable position as the high-risk debts put tremendous stresses on the banks.  Basically, Jiang Zemin is using the same old trick again through Ant.

Therefore, China has decided to rein in Ant's business by imposing Ant to put up at least 30% of its own cash loans and restrict the loan criteria.  The new restrictions will definitely crumple Ant's revenues but they will save the banking industry.  Therefore, the future Ant's profitability will be limited and its IPO valuation will have to be reduced significantly.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Baltic dry index- 1115

 Related stock: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan ocean.

US rig count - 806

 Related stock: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

S&P 500 Technical analysis. - Part 15

A new candlestick gap had developed for the S&P recently which was providing a very good support level.  Although the S&P had closed below the 5-day SMA recently, it didn't close below the candlestick gap.  Therefore, the bullish trend is still intact.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

US treasury yields have been creeping up. What's the repercussion?


The US 10-year yield has been creeping up from 0.67% (28 Sep) to 0.98% (10 Nov) which is a whopping 46% increase.

The 10-year yield is the risk-free rate and is used as the discount rate or factor in many financial models (DDM, DCF, CAPM, etc).  The asset values which are derived from the aforesaid financial models will be impacted because the ever-increasing discount rate will cause the valuations to fall since the future incomes are discounted to present values.

If a company's profitability is not rising faster than the risk-free rate, then the company's stock valuation will have to fall due to the higher discount rate.  This is something we need to watch out for.

Olam - Stock calls


OCBC Bank - Stock calls


Netlink - Stock calls


Stock calls for 12 November 2020


Western forces are behind Thailand (BKK) protests! - Part 6

“The real goal of U.S.-backed unrest in Thailand is similar to its motivations for sowing chaos in Hong Kong,” Berletic said in one of his blog posts. “Obviously the U.S. would prefer a client regime completely dependent on Washington financially and politically.”

The Thai government has managed to find the US links to the BKK protests.  NED is involved in the BKK protests, just like the HK's protests.  The Thai government has found a way to quell the protests funded by the US.  Have you guys noticed that the BKK protests have toned down?

We had stated earlier that the BKK protests were funded by the west.

Monday, November 9, 2020

"Great" vaccine news causes US stock markets to rise like crazy!

The US stock markets are rising like crazy after the "GREAT" vaccine news is released.

It is astonishing that the US vaccine news can cause such euphoric stock market movements in the US whilst China's vaccine is also very effective in preventing Covid but doesn't trigger the same stock effect.

The US investors are jumping the gun too early because the scientists have not confirmed the longevity of the vaccination since the scientists need more time to compile and verify the data.

Our natural immunity could only last about 4 months.  If the US vaccine is only able to trigger our natural immunity against Covid, then the immunity period won't be too long too.

Mapletree North Asia - Stock calls


Mapletree Logistics - Stock calls


Mapletree Industrial - Stock calls


Stock calls for 9 November 2020


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Biden will be the new US president! - Part 2

 Biden has attained the minimum 270 votes required to be the official US President!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Lian Beng - Stock calls


Lendlease Reit - Stock calls


KSH - Stock calls


Stock calls for 5 November 2020

Biden will be the new US president!

Joe Biden looks set to become the next US president. This is just what we've predicted.

Those so-called experts who predicted Trump would win were not real experts because their analyses were wrong. The so-called experts cited the huge turnouts at Trump's presidential rallies and his propaganda was well-received by Americans particularly his anti-China stance because China stole American's jobs.
The real reason for Biden's win was that the labour union supported Biden because of the pandemic mishandling by Trump. Like I said before, the pandemic would crush Trump. Biden also had a different group of supporters. Trump's supporters were crazier whilst Biden's supporters were more reserved. They didn't attend Biden's rallies for the fear of severe backlashes from Trump's supporters but they would still vote for Biden. That's the reason for the poor turnouts at Biden's rallies. Last but not least, China didn't steal American's jobs but the evolution of technology did. In the past, jobs were labour intensive. Next, machines were used to help to reduce the labour intensity for the job. Then, more jobs became fully automated which resulted in permanent job losses. Ultimately, AI would direct and control human resources. We've entered the AI era now. In the past, we would call the taxi operator to book a ride. However, we just need to book a ride through a smartphone now and the technology will book the nearest driver near you and direct the route with GPS without any human interference. Can we blame another country for a job loss now? The answer is crystal clear and Trump is destined to lose.