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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Western forces are behind Thailand (BKK) protests! - Part 5

The Thailand protests are progressing in the direction of our prognosis.

In our previous post, we had stated that the BKK protestors would not end their protests after the government had relented but would make more demands instead.

We've been proven right in such a short time. Hahaha!

The Thai government tries to resolve the protest issues by forming a reconciliation panel which also is showing a sign of relentment to the students.  However, the students are increasing their demands instead of backing down.  The students are increasing their demands to prolong the protests so that the Thai society and economy will be wrecked.

The BKK protests won't stop because they're funded by the west.  The ways to stop the BKK protests are to end the foreign funding and arrest those people who are orchestrating the protests. 

Look like the Thai government has not learnt from the HK lessons yet.

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