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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A Japanese hotel operator is helping the Japanese government to whitewash its historical crimes.

All the Japanese war crimes are archived in UNESCO documentary and the Japanese government cannot lie to the whole world except its own citizens.  This is the reason why the world keeps insisting that Japan must apologize for WW2 atrocities because Japan keeps whitewashing the historical facts.

Do not buy Made-In-China food products!

China factories are producing fake branded food products.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Do not buy made in china food products.

Singapore stock calls for 17 January 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017

China warns Trump again!

Trump will destroy USA because UN won't support USA due to UN resolution 2758.

Singapore stock calls for 16 January 2017

China media told it all about the seizure of SG tanks!

What SG government didn't tell its citizens, the China media told it all.

SG broke its promise not to train in Taiwan anymore in 2009 and 2012.  China has stated clearly that it won't return SG tanks unless we agree to 2 conditions.

Is the starlight exercise in Taiwan really due to our land constraints in SG?

China had offered its Hainan island to SG for our military exercises but our PM rejected it.  Therefore, we cannot keep saying that we have to conduct military exercises in Taiwan due to our land constraints in SG because it doesn't make sense anymore.

A cool job with high pay!

Too bad we're stuck in a small red dot! Arrggghhhh!

Is USA willing to play second fiddle to China in AIIB?

The later you join the AIIB, the lesser clout you will have in AIIB.  Therefore, USA will only play second fiddle to China in AIIB as it is a late comer.  AIIB is spearheaded by China and China will be the chair in AIIB.  Can USA take the insult to be in a supporting role instead of the leading role?

Vietnam forsakes USA and deflects to China after Philippines.

As we stated in our previous post, USA would alienate itself in South China Sea (SCS).  2 claimants have agreed to bilateral settlements with China without USA involvement.  Therefore, non-claimants like USA, Japan and SG have no right but to remain silent over the SCS issue.

If China expedites the one belt one road initiatives, SG will collapse at a rapid rate than we will imagine.

Singapore future is sealed!

We've been warning about this in our posting.  This bleak outcome will come.  It is a matter of when, not if.  SG future is cast in iron already as China has already spent so much for the one belt one road initiative.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

OMG! Trump says he won't commit to one-China policy!

UN recognises the one-China policy but Trump doesn't want to recognise it.  There will be serious repercussions when Trump doesn't commit to the one-China policy after his inauguration.

There will be more trade wars between USA & China and China will oppose USA in UN by vetoing USA proposition.

USA is building up its military tanks in Poland.

Here we go again!  Tension continues to rise in EU because of USA.  This is like USA preparation for a war against Russia with its tank buildup.

Russia views it as a serious threat and will definitely retaliate in its own way.

USA is also creating tension in Israel and Palestine by moving its US embassy to a sensitive location, Jerusalem.

The world is really better without USA!

Amazing UFO footage in Poland sky.