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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Lian Beng - Stock calls


Lendlease Reit - Stock calls


KSH - Stock calls


Stock calls for 5 November 2020

Biden will be the new US president!

Joe Biden looks set to become the next US president. This is just what we've predicted.

Those so-called experts who predicted Trump would win were not real experts because their analyses were wrong. The so-called experts cited the huge turnouts at Trump's presidential rallies and his propaganda was well-received by Americans particularly his anti-China stance because China stole American's jobs.
The real reason for Biden's win was that the labour union supported Biden because of the pandemic mishandling by Trump. Like I said before, the pandemic would crush Trump. Biden also had a different group of supporters. Trump's supporters were crazier whilst Biden's supporters were more reserved. They didn't attend Biden's rallies for the fear of severe backlashes from Trump's supporters but they would still vote for Biden. That's the reason for the poor turnouts at Biden's rallies. Last but not least, China didn't steal American's jobs but the evolution of technology did. In the past, jobs were labour intensive. Next, machines were used to help to reduce the labour intensity for the job. Then, more jobs became fully automated which resulted in permanent job losses. Ultimately, AI would direct and control human resources. We've entered the AI era now. In the past, we would call the taxi operator to book a ride. However, we just need to book a ride through a smartphone now and the technology will book the nearest driver near you and direct the route with GPS without any human interference. Can we blame another country for a job loss now? The answer is crystal clear and Trump is destined to lose.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

US ISM PMI had increased to 59.3 in October 2020.

The prices increased to 65.5 (+2.7) because the producers were ramping up their inventories (51.9, +4.8) with more imports. The new order rose significantly because of increases in export and local orders which also caused customers’ inventories to be depleted (36.7, -1.2) consequently. This depletion caused producers to increase their production (63, +2) by increasing deliveries and employment. Overall, the PMI had increased to 59.3 which meant that the US was in an expansionary mode. However, the recent increase in daily infection rate to more than 100K would stall this expansion as this might prompt another lockdown to contain the outbreak.

Western forces are behind Thailand (BKK) protests! - Part 5

The Thailand protests are progressing in the direction of our prognosis.

In our previous post, we had stated that the BKK protestors would not end their protests after the government had relented but would make more demands instead.

We've been proven right in such a short time. Hahaha!

The Thai government tries to resolve the protest issues by forming a reconciliation panel which also is showing a sign of relentment to the students.  However, the students are increasing their demands instead of backing down.  The students are increasing their demands to prolong the protests so that the Thai society and economy will be wrecked.

The BKK protests won't stop because they're funded by the west.  The ways to stop the BKK protests are to end the foreign funding and arrest those people who are orchestrating the protests. 

Look like the Thai government has not learnt from the HK lessons yet.

Keppel Pacific - Stock calls


Keppel Infrastructure - Stock calls


Keppel DC Reit - Stock calls


Stock calls for 3 November 2020


Look at how devious USA is!

The US is trying to shove chlorinated chickens into the British's throats.

The US also tried to force Asians to consume ractopamine pork & beef.

The US also tried to force Thailand to use carcinogenic fertilizers.