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Friday, January 3, 2020

The US layoffs hit its highest level while the unemployment rate was at its lowest.

The US unemployment rate was at its lowest while the layoffs hit its highest level.  How come?

The only explanation for this conundrum is that the US employment rate has an error since it is survey-based and is subjected to manipulation (fudging).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't be surprise if S&P500 go up another 25% over the next 2 years, and Nasdaq going up another 50%.

In the next major financial crisis, whether it's 6 months away or 3 years away, US assets have greater downside due to currently much higher valuations. Emerging markets, Europe & Asia assets may have bigger recovery potential due to the depressed valuations.

Trump will be acquitted & go on for 2nd term. But don't be surprise he'll end up being the 1st President to be impeached the 2nd time during his 2nd term.

As investors we need to remain open & flexible & realistic to all markets & countries, and go to where the greatest opportunities are.

It's not an ideology or nationalist or racial contest or an empty intellectual or academic exercise. It's trying to improve financial outcomes for ourselves & our families.