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Friday, August 16, 2019

Does the US 2-10y inverted yield curve signify a looming recession?

The US 2-10y inverted yield curve is an accurate harbinger of a looming recession but it does not have a 100% probability.

Will the current 2-10y inverted yield curve be different this time?

Do not listen to any analyst's justification that it will be different this time and let the numbers speak for themselves.

I've learnt in life that relying on statistics is more accurate than listening to any analyst because the numbers don't lie but people will since they interpret the numbers differently.

The problem with the US economy is not the inverted yield curve.  The fundamental problem that everyone is not observing is that the US debt growth is so much faster than the GDP growth.

The US has a budget shortfall of US$1T for the full year which is about 4.9% of its GDP but the US GDP growth is only at 2.1%.  We can see that the US debt growth is more than 2.3x its GDP growth and this is a recipe for a recession.

Furthermore, the ISM PMI has been falling for 4 consecutive months.  This means that the US is still sliding down on the business cycle curve and has not reached its bottom.  Therefore, I see no recovery in sight yet.  Conversely, the PMI is showing that China has reached the bottom of its business cycle curve and is on a recovery path.

The US will need to issue more US treasuries to make up for the US$1T budget shortfall and this will definitely push up the short-term bond yields which will cause the inverted yield curve to worsen.

The US total debt will hit US$70T with this bond issuance.

So tell me, will this 2-10y inverted yield curve be different this time? No!  This inverted yield curve is just reflecting the reality that the US is heading into a recession unless the US ends the trade war.

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