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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Thank god! Singapore doesn't need to sell heavily subsidized treated water to JB soon.

Yeah! SG doesn't need to sell heavily subsidized treated water to JB 2022!

Malaysia has been taking advantage of SG by buying back treated water cheaply for too long.

Just look at Malaysia's announcement without stating the local water treatment cost per 1000 gallons.  The Malaysian's government is trying to mislead the general public that SG is overcharging MY without stating the true water treatment cost.  The water treatment cost is way higher than $0.50 ringgit per 1000 gallons and it is estimated to be $2.40 ringgit per 1000 gallons (Singapore's treatment cost).

Malaysians should ask their government to come clean with the true water treatment cost but Mahathir won't reveal it.

Water is a strategic supply and should not be held hostage by a foreign country.  Even if the local water treatment cost is higher, the country should produce it locally.  SG is doing that and MY should follow too.  However, by accusing a foreign country of selling the overpriced treated water when instead it is buying the treated water at a heavily subsidized price is a thuggish behaviour.

Nonetheless, SG is happy that this unfair water trade will terminate soon. Cheers!

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

Why is Malaysia unwilling to reveal its water treatment cost?

It is a lose-all situation if Malaysia reveals its water treatment cost.

If the water treatment cost is lower than SG's, then Malaysians will ask the government for the rationale to buy so much water from SG for so many years and this is something that the government cannot answer.

If the water treatment cost is higher than SG's, then Malaysians will ask the government for the rationale to accuse SG for overcharging MY and this is also something that the government cannot answer.

Therefore, it is best to keep quiet about the water treatment cost.