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Sunday, September 15, 2019

My observations of the HK protests. - Part 2

We had envisaged this to happen (anti-govt protestors VS pro-govt protestors) in our post yesterday.  This just happened today.


Unknown said...

As I've said .... ask the Central Committee or the National People's Congress --- they KNOW what the REAL problem is in HK LOL!!

And as I've also said many times --- if Beijing wants to do something, they can do it and fast. China is an authoritarian regime, not a consensus kumbaya-singing outfit where ordinary citizens can go to court to sue, block or overturn govt policies & regulations.

Beijing piles pressure on Hong Kong developers, calling on government to seize land being ‘hoarded for profit’

Hong Kong property tycoons in Beijing’s crosshairs

Eric Ho said...

It is not as simple as u thought.

Eric Ho said...

It is harder for these protestors to make money now as the risk is much higher since there is an uprising by the pro-govt protestors.

The black tee protestors either will demand pay increments or stop their protests. Therefore, I foresee a drop in the number but the black tee protestors will increase their intensity (aggressiveness) to make up for the smaller size.