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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Funds seem to be leaving Hong Kong stock market.

The chart dated 31/07/10 above seems to indicate that there is an outflow of funds from the Hong Kong stock market as indicated by the blue line.  This can only show that Hang Seng Index is beginning to fall soon as the average trading volume is usually a harbinger of the index movement in the future.

World economy won't be doing well. Stock markets may crash!

US latest quarter economic growth is only 2.4% compared to its previous quarter of 3.7%.  Spain's unemployment is slightly above 20%, more than US during the financial crisis.  EU constitutes 30% of world trade and is expected to fall significantly.  US constitutes 23% of world trade and is also expected to fall significantly.  China constitutes 13% of world trade and is under going fat trimming programmes.  Asia stock markets are overbought as funds shifted to Asia.  We are in the darkest moment of our lives now and daylight is not within sight. God bless us all!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Changjiang Fertiliser - Buy call from Lim & Tan

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

10/22/09 Lim & Tan Changjiang Fertiliser 0.29 0 Buy

ASTI - No coverage for 2010 or not a good stock?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

08/18/09 NetResearch ASTI 0.085 0.11 Buy PB0.8x

09/18/09 SIAS Research ASTI 0.095 0.1 Hold PB0.7x

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Singapore stock market is going to fall!

The chart dated 29/07/2010 above shows that Singapore stock market is overbought and will fall soon.  The MACD is super bearish, RSI is in the overbought territory and stochastic has crossed over to be on its way down.  Asia market is overbought now.

Hong Kong Stock Market (Hang Send Index) is overbought!

The chart dated 29/07/2010 above shows that Hong Kong stock market is going to fall soon.  The MACD is bearish, fast stochastic has crossed over to the negative side, slow stochastic has also crossed over to show mid-term bearishness.  The asia market is overbought!

Dow Jones Industrial Average - Technical chart shows that US market is going to fall!

The chart dated 29/07/2010 shows that US market is going for a fall ahead.  The MACD is showing bearishness, fast stochastic has crossed over to the negative side and slow stochastic has also crossed over which shows mid-term bearishness.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Asia Pacific Strategic - Not a strategic stock at all?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

09/02/09 NetResearch Asia Pacific Strategic 0.17 0.17 Hold PB3x

Ascendas India Trust - A good time to invest in india?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/04/10 DBS Vickers Ascendas India Trust 0.88 1.06 Buy
01/25/10 DBS Vickers Ascendas India Trust 1.06 1.17 Buy
04/09/10 DBS Vickers Ascendas India Trust 0.98 1.17 Buy
07/26/10 DBS Vickers Ascendas India Trust 0.985 1.06 Buy

07/27/10 JP Morgan Ascendas India Trust 0.96 1.1 Overweight

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

AIMS AMP Capital - Hold call from Phillip.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/09/10 phillip AIMS AMP Capital 0.215 0.22 Hold
05/14/10 phillip AIMS AMP Capital 0.22 0.23 Hold DCF

Anwell - All is well!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/09/10 DMG & Partners Anwell 0.585 0.78 Buy PER8x, PB0.8x
04/12/10 DMG & Partners Anwell 0.635 0.78 Buy PER8x

Monday, July 26, 2010

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) was at 1826 last Friday!


The index added 25 points, or 1.4 per cent, to 1,826 points on Friday, according to the Baltic Exchange in London.

End Quote.

Advanced Holdings - Good time to load up now?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

08/12/09 NetResearch Advanced Holdings 0.225 0.27 Buy DCF, PER14.1x

08/17/09 SIAS Research Advanced Holdings 0.255 0.31 Buy PER10.1x
10/12/09 SIAS Research Advanced Holdings 0.35 0.405 Buy PB1.67x

2nd Chance - Does this stock really deserve a second look?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/24/10 DMG & Partners 2nd Chance 0.3 0.41 Buy

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cache Logistics - A well-loved stock!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/12/10 CIMB Cache Logistics 0.88 1.23 Outperform DDM
05/18/10 CIMB Cache Logistics 0.96 1.23 Outperform

06/09/10 DBS Vickers Cache Logistics 0.95 1.05 Buy DDM

04/12/10 DMG & Partners Cache Logistics 0.88 1.0225 Buy IPO

CapitaRetail China - A good China reit?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/08/10 DBS Vickers CapitaRetail China 1.29 1.14 Hold
02/01/10 DBS Vickers CapitaRetail China 1.2 1.22 Hold DCF

Friday, July 23, 2010

China Eratat - Buy call from Phillip

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/03/10 phillip China Eratat 0.165 0.205 Trading Buy Total current asset-inventories-liabilities

China Minzhong - Buy call from DMG

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/13/10 DMG & Partners China Minzhong 1.2 1.68 Buy PER9x

Thursday, July 22, 2010

China Zaino - CIMB loves this stock!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/25/10 CIMB China Zaino 0.24 0.34 Outperform PER4x
04/26/10 CIMB China Zaino 0.29 0.36 Outperform PER5x

Chip Eng Seng - A main contractor turned developer!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/25/10 Westcomb Chip Eng Seng 0.39 0.53 Buy Sum of parts

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dairy Farm - Hold call from Citigroup.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/29/10 Citigroup Dairy Farm 6.53 6.7 Hold

Datapulse - A stock with no pulse?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/03/10 Lim & Tan Datapulse 0.235 0 Sell

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The bond market is forming a BIG bubble!

The governments around the world had been raising funds in the bond markets since the crisis started and this had resulted in low liquidities in the stock markets worldwide which stifled the recoveries of the stock markets.

Governments have raised more than $4 trillions dollars since the inception of the crisis and a BIG bubble is starting to form in the bond market.  Corporations around the world also tapped into the bond market after exhausting the tradition means of raising funds due to the financial crisis which made the banks reluctant to give loans.

When this burgeoning bubble bursts, many fixed income funds like pension funds will fall into the abyss and the men on the streets will suffer.  World demands will collapse and businesses will be greatly affected.  Stock markets around the world will tumble heavily causing great panic everywhere.

This scenario is not a remote possibility if we do not do the right thing.

Abterra - Danger lurking for small investors!

The announcement of 25-into-1 share consolidation on 30 June 2010 doesn't bode well for abterra shareholders as there seems to be an ulterior motive behind this corporate move.  Where else can you find a stock with a market capitalization of around $250m to have a share price that is around $1.25 on Singapore Stock Exchange?

Therefore, I expect a big fund raising exercise in any way in the foreseeable future as the only logical rationale for the reverse stock split.  Current shareholders will suffer from major share dilutions if there is indeed a fund raising movement if they are holding on the stock.

The explanation given by abterra was just a classical textbook excuse and should be disregarded as the stock will have more downside after stock consolidation as it seriously affects or twists the risk perception since it has more room to fall when it is above $1.

Abterra should just focus on its core competencies and not get involved in the capital market.  There is no better way to prop up the stock price than to improve on its profit.  By making the stock above $1 through stock consolidation will not attract fund managers to take notice of this stock but instead will attract speculators to play it.

When the management starts to alter the share price, it shows that they can't improve on its business anymore and try to work on other means.

Debao Property - A good developer?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/02/10 UOB Kay Hian Debao Property 0.295 0.37 Buy RNAV (40% discount)

Delong - A lousy stock?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/26/10 Lim & Tan Delong 0.655 0 Sell

Monday, July 19, 2010

FJ Benajmin - Is fashion a good pick?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/17/10 DMG & Partners FJ Benjamin 0.255 0.46 Buy DCF
05/11/10 DMG & Partners FJ Benjamin 0.325 0.46 Buy

02/12/10 Kim Eng FJ Benjamin 0.255 0.42 Buy DCF
05/11/10 Kim Eng FJ Benjamin 0.325 0.45 Buy DCF
07/15/10 Kim Eng FJ Benjamin 0.325 0.66 Buy DCF

Fortune Reit - Is this stock worth a fortune?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/27/10 DBS Vickers Fortune Reit 3.08 3.71 Buy DDM

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Frasers Centrepoint Trust - Buy calls from all analysts!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/26/10 CIMB Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.4 1.73 Outperform DDM
03/25/10 CIMB Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.36 1.73 Outperform
05/18/10 CIMB Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.35 1.73 Outperform

01/04/10 DBS Vickers Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.29 1.49 Buy
04/09/10 DBS Vickers Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.32 1.63 Buy
04/15/10 DBS Vickers Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.37 1.63 Buy
06/04/10 DBS Vickers Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.29 1.63 Buy

01/07/10 DMG & Partners Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.45 1.66 Buy DDM
04/26/10 DMG & Partners Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.38 1.66 Buy DDM

01/04/10 OCBC Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.4 1.3 Hold
01/26/10 OCBC Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.4 1.47 Hold DCF
01/27/10 OCBC Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.4 1.5 Buy
03/04/10 OCBC Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.37 1.5 Buy
03/17/10 OCBC Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.33 1.5 Buy
04/14/10 OCBC Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.35 1.5 Buy
05/12/10 OCBC Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.33 1.5 Buy
06/17/10 OCBC Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.35 1.5 Buy
07/12/10 OCBC Frasers Centrepoint Trust 1.37 1.5 Buy

Frasers Commercial Trust - DBS vs Phillip? Who will win?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/28/10 DBS Vickers Frasers Commercial Trust 0.15 0.14 Hold
04/23/10 DBS Vickers Frasers Commercial Trust 0.14 0.16 Hold

02/03/10 phillip Frasers Commercial Trust 0.15 0.18 Buy DCF
04/26/10 phillip Frasers Commercial Trust 0.155 0.18 Buy

Friday, July 16, 2010

Guocoland - Hold call from DBS Vickers

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/08/10 DBS Vickers Guocoland 2.22 2.09 Hold
04/23/10 DBS Vickers Guocoland 2.36 2.08 Hold
06/16/10 DBS Vickers Guocoland 2.12 2.08 Hold
07/16/10 DBS Vickers Guocoland 2.16 2.08 Hold

Healthway Medical - Only DMG covers this stock.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/04/10 DMG & Partners Healthway Medical 0.16 0.28 Buy PER25x
01/28/10 DMG & Partners Healthway Medical 0.17 0.21 Buy DCF
03/08/10 DMG & Partners Healthway Medical 0.165 0.26 Buy DCF
03/17/10 DMG & Partners Healthway Medical 0.17 0.3 Buy
03/18/10 DMG & Partners Healthway Medical 0.17 0.3 Buy DCF
05/26/10 DMG & Partners Healthway 0.14 0.3 Buy

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Heeton - A small-time property developer.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/24/10 Westcomb Heeton 0.445 0.75 Buy RNAV (35% discount)

Hisaka - CIMB likes this stock!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/04/10 CIMB Hisaka 0.28 0.35 Outperform PER6.7x

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

HL Finance - The only bright spot in the finance industry?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/25/10 DMG & Partners HL Finance 2.98 3.5 Buy NTA1x
04/26/10 DMG & Partners HL Finance 3.16 3.5 Buy NTA1x

Hongguo - Not a good consumer stock?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/04/10 DBS Vickers Hongguo 0.33 0.3 Hold

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hsu Fu Chi - Really so fu chi?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/09/10 Lim & Tan Hsu Fu Chi 2.05 0 Buy

Kencana Agri - The stock that analysts loved!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/01/10 DBS Vickers Kencana Agri 0.275 0.37 Buy DCF
03/02/10 DBS Vickers Kencana Agri 0.285 0.37 Buy DCF
05/13/10 DBS Vickers Kencana Agri 0.32 0.39 Buy DCF (40% discount)

04/07/10 DMG & Partners Kencana Agri 0.3 0.375 Buy PER20x

Monday, July 12, 2010

Baltic Dry Index - BDI falls again to 1902 points!

The index of freight rates on international trade routes fell 38 points, or 2 per cent, to 1,902 points on Friday, according to the London-based Baltic Exchange.

Innovalues - is there value in this counter?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/26/10 CIMB Innovalues 0.15 0.2 Outperform PB1x
03/11/10 CIMB Innovalues 0.16 0.2 Outperform

MCL Land - A land of promises?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/26/10 Kim Eng MCL Land 1.78 2.48 Buy RNAV (30% discount)
04/30/10 Kim Eng MCL Land 2.22 2.69 Buy RNAV (25% discount)
06/15/10 Kim Eng MCL Land 1.79 2.76 Buy RNAV (25% discount)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

K-Green - Keppel Corp is better than its subsidiary.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

06/25/10 DBS Vickers K-Green Trust 1.13 1.2 Hold Div Yield 6.5%

Osim - OCBC likes Osim!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/01/10 OCBC Osim 0.905 1.22 Buy PER22x

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sim Lian - A main contractor turned property developer.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/12/10 DBS Vickers Sim Lian 0.52 0.56 Hold RNAV (40% discount)

Sino Grandess Food - New kid on the block

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

06/29/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.285 0.4 Buy

Thursday, July 8, 2010

United Envirotech - The next big thing?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

06/30/10 OCBC United Envirotech 0.38 0.52 Buy FCFE Model

OKP - A good main contractor?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/01/10 CIMB OKP 0.525 0.85 Outperform PER10x

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sing Holdings - only Phillip covers this company


02/22/10 phillip Sing Holdings 0.38 0.43 Hold RNAV (10% discount)
05/14/10 phillip Sing Holdings 0.35 0.46 Buy RNAV (10% discount)

Roxy-Pacific - A boutique property developer

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/26/10 DBS Vickers Roxy-Pacific 0.34 0.44 Trading Buy RNAV (30% discount)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hyflux Water Trust - No trust in this TRUST?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/26/10 DBS Vickers Hyflux Water Trust 0.705 0.7 Hold
05/14/10 DBS Vickers Hyflux Water Trust 0.665 0.68 Hold

Jardine C&C - Neutral call from DMG

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/30/10 DMG & Partners Jardine C&C 29.52 28.09 Neutral

Monday, July 5, 2010

Kingsmen Creative - Buy calls from all analysts!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/21/10 DMG & Partners Kingsmen Creative 0.545 0.77 Buy PER9x
05/24/10 DMG & Partners Kingsmen Creative 0.53 0.77 Buy PER9x

02/26/10 Kim Eng Kingsmen Creative 0.595 0.85 Buy
05/14/10 Kim Eng Kingsmen Creative 0.58 0.85 Buy
06/24/10 Kim Eng Kingsmen Creative 0.545 0.85 Buy Sum of parts
06/25/10 Kim Eng Kingsmen Creative 0.545 0.85 Buy Sum of parts

06/29/10 OCBC Kingsmen Creative 0.59 0.84 Buy PER9x

K-Reit - Not a good Reit?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/20/10 CIMB K-Reit 1.06 1.01 Underperform DDM
06/15/10 CIMB K-Reit 1.09 1.01 Underperform

01/21/10 DBS Vickers K-Reit 1.12 1.11 Hold
02/02/10 DBS Vickers K-Reit 1.08 1.13 Fully Valued
04/20/10 DBS Vickers K-Reit 1.13 1.17 Hold DCF

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mapletree Logistics - A good REIT?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/22/10 CIMB Mapletree Logistics 0.8 0.74 Underperform DDM
03/25/10 CIMB Mapletree Logistics 0.84 0.74 Underperform
04/23/10 CIMB Mapletree Logistics 0.875 0.86 Neutral DDM
05/18/10 CIMB Mapletree Logistics 0.82 0.86 Neutral

03/17/10 Credit Suisse Mapletree Logistics 0.83 0.98 Outperform DDM

01/25/10 DBS Vickers Mapletree Logistics 0.8 0.86 Buy
04/23/10 DBS Vickers Mapletree Logistics 0.875 0.93 Buy
06/01/10 DBS Vickers Mapletree Logistics 0.82 0.93 Buy 7.6% Yield
06/04/10 DBS Vickers Mapletree Logistics 0.83 0.93 Buy

01/04/10 OCBC Mapletree Logistics 0.785 0.78 Buy
03/04/10 OCBC Mapletree Logistics 0.79 0.91 Buy
04/14/10 OCBC Mapletree Logistics 0.845 0.91 Buy
04/23/10 OCBC Mapletree Logistics 0.875 0.93 Buy PB1.07x
05/12/10 OCBC Mapletree Logistics 0.83 0.93 Buy
05/24/10 OCBC Mapletree Logistics 0.81 0.93 Buy
06/02/10 OCBC Mapletree Logistics 0.81 0.84 Buy

Mercator - Hold only!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/22/10 phillip Mercator 0.305 0.36 Hold BV0.9x
07/01/10 phillip Mercator 0.27 0.32 Hold BV0.7x

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Lakeside will go bankrupt anytime!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/27/10 Lim & Tan New Lakeside 0.03 0 Sell -100 Bankrupt

SATS - All analysts love this except CIMB.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/05/10 CIMB SATS 2.57 2.19 Underperform PER12.4x
05/06/10 CIMB SATS 2.78 2.19 Underperform PER12.4x
05/18/10 CIMB SATS 2.75 2.19 Underperform

01/05/10 DBS Vickers SATS 2.74 3 Buy
03/08/10 DBS Vickers SATS 2.61 3.09 Buy
03/25/10 DBS Vickers SATS 2.61 3.2 Buy DCF & PER14x
04/15/10 DBS Vickers SATS 2.87 3.2 Buy
05/06/10 DBS Vickers SATS 2.78 3.13 Buy DCF

02/05/10 DMG & Partners SATS 2.57 3.07 Buy DCF, PER16x
03/29/10 DMG & Partners SATS 2.65 3.07 Buy DCF, PER16x
04/01/10 DMG & Partners SATS 2.64 3.07 Buy

01/05/10 Kim Eng SATS 2.69 3.16 Buy PER18x
02/05/10 Kim Eng SATS 2.57 3.26 Buy PER18x
05/14/10 Kim Eng SATS 2.76 3.3 Buy

02/05/10 OCBC SATS 2.57 3.27 Buy DCF
03/15/10 OCBC SATS 2.65 3.27 Buy DCF
05/06/10 OCBC SATS 2.78 3.27 Buy DCF
06/10/10 OCBC SATS 2.54 3.27 Buy

06/30/10 phillip SATS 2.65 3.28 Buy

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Singapore market has more downside - See Straits Times Index Chart!

The chart dated 01/07/2010 indicates that STI has more room to fall as there's a discernible fall in the average trading volumes which also means that there's an outflow of funds.

KSH - Only DMG covers this stock.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/17/10 DMG & Partners KSH 0.27 0.38 Buy Sum of parts
04/07/10 DMG & Partners KSH 0.27 0.38 Buy
05/25/10 DMG & Partners KSH 0.25 0.38 Buy
05/26/10 DMG & Partners KSH 0.25 0.35 Buy Sum of parts
06/04/10 DMG & Partners KSH 0.26 0.35 Buy Sum of parts
06/17/10 DMG & Partners KSH 0.27 0.35 Buy
07/01/10 DMG & Partners KSH 0.26 0.35 Buy

Meiban - Worth buying?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Stock/Valuation Method

02/24/10 CIMB Meiban 0.29 0.41 Outperform PB0.9x
03/11/10 CIMB Meiban 0.3 0.41 Outperform

05/12/10 DBS Vickers Meiban 0.29 0.3 Hold