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Friday, May 26, 2017

USA doesn't have any qualms at all for killing civilians in middle east.

However, USA is quick to pinpoint on others for killing civilians especially Russia in middle east.  In the future, Russia can just copy the justifications given by USA when it kills civilians accidentally in any strikes.

How will the reduction in FED 4.5T affect the real economy?

US Fed has USD$4.5T of balance sheet which composes of $2.46T of bonds and $1.77T of mortgage-backed securities (MBS).

As the MBS are mostly longer dated derivatives of at least 10 years, FED won't unwind these MBS in the short run.  Therefore, FED will just let the shorter dated bonds expire and won't reinvest the proceeds into the bond market.  About 50% of the bonds will expire within the next 5 years which amount to USD$1.2T and this means the money market will have a capital outflow of $1.2T.  Furthermore, USA will hike interest rates for the next few years as stated by FED which is tantamount to price hikes in the real economy.  The higher interest rates will cause USD to appreciate so that the purchasing power won't be eroded.  In other words, inflation can be contained in this way.

To surmise, the reduction in money supply and interest rate increments will cause USD to appreciate in the next few years.

OMG! Anti-Singapore propaganda is being broadcasted on China media.

No wonder PM Lee was not invited to the one-belt-one-road summit.  It is useless for 100% of Singapore (5.3m people) to be anti-China because just 10% of China (140m people) hatred of Singapore will drown us already.

Our government is stupid to conduct a military exercise with India in South China Sea.  Can you imagine China conducting a military exercise just at our doorstep? We are really asking for trouble!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 25 May 2017

Huat ah! Singapore GDP is growing so well!

Look like this year will be a year of promotions and salary increments for Singaporeans.  Well done, Singapore!

China will definitely retaliate against this US incursion. Let's see!

Pacific Commander Harris is really stirring troubles in South China Sea.  He deserves to be punished for heightening tension in South China Sea.

Moody's downgraded China credit rating for its own interest.

Basically, Moody's wanted to impede the success of China-HK bond trading link as it didn't participate in the US$9.5T China bond market.  Moody's downgrade of China maybe for a political reason too.

There is no convincing reason to downgrade China credit rating while USA maintains AAA rating.

USA has a national debt of USD$19.85T without many foreign reserves.

China has a national debt of USD$4.3T and USD$3T foreign reserves.

USA debt-to-GDP is 106%.

China debt-to-GDP is 41%.

It looks like only the USA can take on debts but other countries cannot because USA is the only resilient country in the world.  Therefore, other countries will collapse if they take on debts because they're not resilient.

Does this make any sense at all?

I hate it when credit rating companies give biased ratings.  US credit rating agencies tend to give better ratings for USA companies.  Just look at Lehman Brothers credit rating given by Moody's before the big collapse.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The truth is out. USA really tried to assassinate North Korea Kim.

North Korea Kim released evidences about USA & South Korea trying to assassinate him and how NK uncovered the plot.

USA is a great liar and has been fabricating false intelligence for its own interest.

What's the motive for Manchester bombing?

The ulterior motive is to disrupt the June election in UK and it is definitely a terrorist attack.  UK has to establish who was behind the bombing.  Although ISIS has claimed credit for the attack, the terrorist is believed to be from Al Qaeda cell.

Singapore stock calls for 24 May 2017

Local brokerage houses have imposed trading restriction on Noble.

This will definitely cause liquidity to dry up and noble will continue on its downward trajectory in the future.

If you look at historical records, any stock will fall after the trading restrictions are imposed by the local brokerage houses.

PLA General: We must strike back at Singapore!

We knew that anti-Singapore sentiment had taken root in China already in our previous articles.

However, to have a China general to speak out so openly is not a simple issue as he must have the blessing of China government.

We need to recognise that China no longer trusts Singapore and we must not do more to antagonize China or we'll suffer a major backlash because USA won't give SG any economic boost when SG-China trading starts to decline.

Energy revolution is coming by 2030.

China will start commercial mining of methane hydrates in South China Sea and the gas reserves may last up to 1000 years.  Extraction cost is estimated to be only USD$0.087 per cubic metre because no refinery is needed.  The crude oil industry will lose a BIG customer soon.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

China government destroyed CIA spying operations in China.

I must say that China is very good in anti-spy operation because it manages to thwart illegal and covert spying operations in China.

Therefore, USA cannot accuse China of spying when it also spies on China.

Singapore stock calls for 23 May 2017

South Korea has been at the losing end because of THAAD.

China and Japanese tourists have cut back their travelling plans to South Korea.

This shows that THAAD is not good for economic growth.  Let's see whether SK will change its mind on THAAD.

Noble is in serious financial trouble - Part 2

Investors who read our postings on Noble would have cashed out or stayed away and wouldn't have their monies trapped in Noble.

The trading halt has prevented Noble from falling further but without a white knight plus the great difficulty of raising funds because of its negative cash flow, the future for Noble is in the abyss.

Sinochem must have seen Noble's cashflow statement especially the negative cash flow and also understood the weak commodities industry to have walked away from the investment.

AIIB progression has been great and it's harder to join AIIB now.

AIIB has many projects to invest in especially the one-belt-one-road initiatives.  AIIB will start to be profitable soon because many of the projects are government or state ruled with low bankruptcy probability.  It's harder to join AIIB now because many existing members don't want their shares to be diluted.  Not many countries are willing to give up their shares in AIIB and late comers will have little say in AIIB.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 22 May 2017

Fearmongering by western media

Every powerful country does it but USA does it more and more severely.

TPP is one good example for USA to wield considerable economic power over other countries and to contain China.


That’s because the TPP would create investor­state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms that would allow foreigners to sue the government when they think a regulation will harm their profits. The arbitration would be private and binding, even if the outcome contradicts domestic laws. And the company could be compensated for the loss of its expected profits, not just for its past investments, even if its profits are generated by selling products that kill people and if there is no discrimination involved in the regulation.

End Quote.

This investor-state dispute settlement mechanism was enforced by USA government onto other countries in the TPP agreement.

So tell me now! Which country doesn't use its economic and military prowess on other countries?  If all the super power countries do it, why is there a need to single out China in the western media?

EU rejected TTIP (Europe TPP) because of unreasonable clauses imposed by USA too.