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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

EU rescue package is just like an adrenaline jab.

EU rescue package of $750b doesn't seem to impress investors and euro keeps sliding down after the announcement.  Why?

Well, for a start, EU has to sell debt to raise the fund and lend it to Greece and investors are not willing to buy EU debt especially asian investors as they are doubtful about EU.  Let me use a rhetoric question to explain the attitude of asian investors. "Would you lend money to a debtor when the debtor can't pay existing debt?"

Selling debt at a time like this is not easy as US and other countries are also selling massive debts to raise fund for their own economies.  What EU has just done is just stalling time but the break-up of the 16 nations looks inevitable. This is just like a critically-ill patient who has just being injected with adrenalin.  Greece can only do so much to cut its deficit as its citizens still need to eat and drink.

In conclusion, it is highly likely that Greece will be the first country to break away from the EU.  Taking on more debts when you can't even pay existing debts would not be the solution to a healthier economy.  EU won't be the same continent anymore after this crisis.

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