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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

New South Korean President is pro-peace.

Hopefully, this new SK president can defuse the tension and make peace with China and NK.  THAAD is definitely something China & NK don't like.

Malaysia is at a crossroad now.

Like it or not, China will be a domineering force in ASEAN and China has fostered strong relationships with Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia which are very near to Malaysia.

If Malaysia doesn't want to deal with China, it will lose its strategic importance for China and also lose China's investments.  China will invest heavily in any country which is of strategic importance to China.  We just need to look at Myanmar and Cambodia where China is building ports and infrastructures in these countries.  As for Laos, China will be turning Laos into a transhipment hub as it is nicely snap-in among a few countries.

Malaysia will lose heavily if China starts to build port in Thailand or the Kra canal.  China can put the Kra canal project on hold as long as Malaysia continues to welcome China's investments because China wants to use Malaysia to contain Singapore.

China will take control of Myanmar port.

This deal is not as simple as it looks.

The truth is China gave up its myitsone dam project in exchange for this port control because the port is of strategic importance to China.

Myanmar faced tremendous pressure by locals who resisted the dam construction.

If Myanmar cancelled the dam project, it would have to pay a penalty of USD$800m which Myanmar couldn't afford.  Therefore, instead of asking Myanmar to pay the penalty, China preferred to take control of the port and pay Myanmar for the controlling stakes.  This strategic move will cost China about USD$10b in total.  When China deems something as strategic important, it is willing to pay for it.

China ports which are near to Singapore.

Phnom Penh Port in Cambodia (East of Singapore)

Malacca Port (North of Singapore)

Myanmar Port (West of Singapore)

Pakistan Port (Further west of Singapore)

All these ports are linked by the one-belt-one-road initiatives (Railways) and China can totally bypass Singapore because it can upload and download goods from the eastern, northern and western of Singapore without going through Singapore.  We may not feel the impacts now but our future generations will feel the great impacts and they'll have to pay dearly for our current political positions.

OMG! Taiwan is going to drag Singapore into its fight against China.

What a devious woman!

Taiwan is trying to drag Singapore into its fight against China.  Singapore is not a pawn and we must not let ourselves be used by Taiwan for its own selfish political gain.

We cannot give more reasons for China to whip Singapore.  China is adamant to reduce the strategic importance of Singapore's port by developing its own worldwide port networks so that its goods won't pass by Singapore.  Why? This is because SG is helping USA to contain China by providing USA a naval base in SG so that we can seal off strait of Malacca during war time.

China's crude oil doesn't need to pass through Singapore anymore in April 2017.

This pipeline is able to move 22m tonnes of oil per year and SG is not able to earn a cent out of it.

China is also going to build a gas pipeline in Myanmar and SG will also be out of the picture.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Who was Singapore's first elected President? - Part 2.

Finally! Someone is standing up to seek the truth when no Singaporean cares about it.  An elected president should be a presidential candidate who won with a majority vote count in an open election and not someone who was appointed but exercised presidential power.

Our first elected president will always be Ong Teng Cheong, not Wee Kim Wee.  The national library archive is correct.

Yuuzoo's auditor quitted because of financial concern.

This is definitely a warning sign for more troubles to come as perceived valuation of Yuuzoo's franchisee's shares can evaporate like a whiff of smoke.  Yuuzoo should be more upfront on the rationale and methodology used to value the shares and the concern raised by the auditor.  Why did the auditor disagree with the valuation?  Equities received in place of receivables meant that its franchisee was not doing well and couldn't pay the money owed.  Therefore, there must be massive writedown of the shares to be used to replace the debt owed to Yuuzoo as the on-going concern was hard to assess.

Singapore stock calls for 8 May 2017

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Massive UFO in France's sky!

This is truly a huge cigar-shaped UFO in the sky that can cast light from its bottom.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Malaysia is the first to regret for awarding the KL-SG HSR to SG.

China will not deem any investment to be strategic when it's taken out of the equation.  Malaysia had excluded China from the SG-KL HSR project in favour for less experienced partners.  Please bear in mind that nobody on this earth had built more HSRs than China.

Therefore, it's no surprise that China doesn't view the whole project as strategic anymore.

Baltic dry index - 994

Today, Friday, May 05 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 10 points, reaching 994 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco, Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 877

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. rose by seven this week to 877.
A year ago, only 415 rigs were active amid a slump in energy prices.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 703 rigs sought oil and 173 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Texas added six rigs, Louisiana gained four, Alaska and Wyoming were up two each, and Colorado and New Mexico increased by one apiece.
Oklahoma declined by seven rigs while North Dakota, Pennsylvania and West Virginia each lost one.
Arkansas, California, Kansas, Ohio and Utah were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out last May at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine, Cosco.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 5 May 2017

Oil prices won't go higher in the future. Here's why!

USA had discovered some big oil fields recently that would put the world's pricing power in its hand.

Coupled with its shale oil technology, it is able to be self-sufficient and export its oil.  Therefore, its oil imports will start to dwindle and eventually stop and this will greatly affect the middle east oil markets.