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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Astrazeneca vaccine doesn't live up to its reported efficacy rate in UK.

As stated by PHE, the Astrazeneca vaccine had a 60% efficacy rate against the Indian variant in UK but the Greater Manchester region was experiencing an upsurge in infections.  It was reported to have 4x more infections than the national average in the latest statistics.

Seychelles is at least 60% vaccinated but its infections are still rising.  This could be due to the Astrazeneca vaccine too.


Unknown said...

Regarding UK increases, a lot of it is happening in areas with high population of minority races, who are MUCH more anti-vaccine than the whites.

Regarding Seychelles, 57% of those vaccinated received the Sinopharm shot, while 43% received the Astra shot. Both are conventional vaccines. As I said, conventional vaccines are much less effective against variants, especially the Indian one. But they still offer greater protection against ICU admissions & death compared to no vaccine.

Although mRNA vaccines (e.g. Moderna & Pfizer) offer greater protection against the Indian mutation (real world reports of over 80% against symptomatic infections), this is ONLY after 2 weeks after the 2nd dose. If only the 1st dose, protection against symptomatic infection of the Indian variant is only 33%.

At the end of the day, IT'S THE VACCINE STUPID. Those countries which are aggressively inoculating their populations with mRNA vaccines are opening up much faster than those who have been slow in vaccinating or using conventional vaccines. Good examples are US versus China/Taiwan/Japan/Korea --- now the economic prospects of these countries have flipped, with US economy accelerating while Japan/Korea/Taiwan/China's are decelerating.

Eric Ho said...

Let me tell you why the infection cases are rising in the UK.

This is because the Indian variant has entered the country and it will wipe out the UK variant.

The rise in infections in the Greater Manchester region shows that there is a high presence of the Indian variant there and the vaccines are not as effective as proclaimed to be.

More than 38m UK residents had at least 1 dose already.

Eric Ho said...

Who says conventional vaccines are less effective?

Let me show you the statistics.

You've been deceived by the western media because they used less stringent assessments. The West excluded asymptomatic cases and also used the general public as participants instead of high-risk groups in their assessments.

China had reopened its economy much earlier than the US and that's why China's

Eric Ho said...

FYI, the Indian variant also wiped out the UK variant in India.