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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Another constellation is aligning and a big financial crisis is brewing this time. - Part 13

I've received an email from a viewer asking me to update my opinion about the impending financial crisis that I had projected in 2022.  Since it's been a long time since I posted my opinion on this, I would gladly oblige the request.

The first time that I brought up this issue was in July 2020.

Previously, my earlier projection was based on the following:

  • Rising US-China tension (trade, economic, financial, sanction, etc)
  • Excessive monetary policies
  • Imploding debts
  • Covid virus
  • Natural disasters (floodings in China & Japan now, and the US typhoon season)

  • I will update my analyses now with the following:
    • Rising US-China tension (trade, economic, financial, sanction, etc)
    • QE tapering will end in March 2022
    • Major covid virus outbreak in 2022 (omicron)
    • Natural disasters
    • ECB emergency program (PEPP) will end in March 2022.
    • US Fed interest rate hikes in 2022 (3x)
    • US GDP growth will decline in 2022
    • US 10-year treasury yield will exceed 2% in 2022.
    Thus, we will continue to maintain our stance that there will be an impending financial crisis in the US in 2022.


    Unknown said...

    Thanks for the warning. Now that I no longer need to trade or invest for a living, I've moved most of my $10M into gold and SGD. I still maintain $1M in US stocks for fun, a well as $500K in ethereum and bitcoin. Stocks and major cryptos will be multi-baggers in 20 years time. But that's just for kicks as I focus more on staying rich than getting rich.

    Eric Ho said...

    No problem as I'm just letting my viewers know the macro-environment better so that they can strategize their own investments.