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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Hot news! Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling have no confidence in PM Lee.


The siblings of PM Lee have no confidence in him because they believe PM Lee is trying to capitalize on Lee Kuan Yew's legacy for his own political agenda, be it for himself or for his son.

If this is how PM Lee's siblings see their own brother, then something is seriously wrong because it's 2 Lee vs 1 Lee.


Eric Ho said...

The Lee siblings have expressed fear that they would be compelled to leave SG because PM Lee would use the state resources against them.

Eric Ho said...


Eric Ho said...

Nobody can check on PM Lee's misuse of power allegation. No wonder the younger Lees are concerned about Singapore's future.

Eric Ho said...


Eric Ho said...

What's the purpose of a WILL when the WILL won't be carried out?

If Lee Kuan Yew wanted to have the house demolished upon his death, then it should be done so according to his WILL. The parliament should have no business to meddle with LKY's WILL.

Eric Ho said...

No wonder the other 2 Lees are accusing PM Lee of abusing his power for retaining the house and pulling strings for his son.

Eric Ho said...


More information coming out of this brawl.

RESPECT AND CARRY OUT THE WILL is the right way to do it.

Eric Ho said...


Dr Lee is right. Nobody can stop PM Lee and we're the blame for supporting this one-party system in Singapore. We deserved to be screwed by our government.

Eric Ho said...


Dr Lee said that Lee Hsien Loong is no longer suitable to be SG PM because he abuses his official power and is not a man of honour.