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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Singapore was no match for China in Pakistan.

China and SG crossed swords in Pakistan and lost the port contract to China in the end.  SG had no real intention to manage Pakistan port as it would diminish SG port handling capacity since the port was located strategically in the Gulf.

SG was just hogging the Port and leaving it to dilapidate without any investment after getting the contract.  Subsequently, Pakistan ran out of patience and barred PSA.

World busiest port ranking in 2015

SG port was operating at 85% of Shanghai port in 2015

World busiest port ranking in 2014

SG port handling capacity had dropped from 33.87m TEU in 2014 to 30.9m TEU in 2015 which amounted to 9% decline.

We need to monitor our port handling capacity so that we will know the health of our economy.

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